Van Dwellers For Christ June 22 2021


I thought I would go back to my daily posts "for a season" as it seems to be edifying to other saints. It is just the daily life of a gospel street preacher/his wife, as we travel/van dwell and preach Christ crucified all over America. I will add pictures, experiences, articles, teachings here and I will " try " to do it each day. (its hard on the road) It is like a diary for me as we live this free life, preaching Christ daily out in the world in this dark/dying culture. May you all be edified by it!

You can read some of our past 2019/2020 Van Dweller posts at these links here: 

Here is our teaching blog:

Here is our street preaching videos:

Interested in this life? See our Van Dwelling Tip Page to help:


I offer this Holy Word picture that I took for you just today:


We had a peaceful nights sleep, right after we were watching the police look for someone in the next lot right next door with their dog. 

Then we awoke up to this (see the video) proving once again; van life is never boring!


On my am walk, I saw a neat little hot dog stand by a store, but I passed on getting one. ($3.50 each ??? no thanks)

Then I saw these logs in the parking lot and it reminded me to be thankful. I used to be a chainsaw carver (that was honest work) but now I get to preach Christ crucified all over America! Thank you Lord.


We went down to a busy tourist walk on Lake Superior to preach and witness. Right off; I saw a homeless and we had a good talk. He asked me some good bible questions, then he got the gospel and off he went. It is so sad to see young men in such situations but they MUST decide to come out or you cannot help them. He got hope, love and truth on this day.


I then preached on the busy street / tourist shopping area and thousands heard the gospel.  Most ignored it, some mocked us, a few thanked us and  some took gospel cards. You can see a small potion of what we do here on these videos:


Here is a teaching on how to handle the LGBTQ issue when it comes up in witnessing. A young man asked me about it in the streets and you can see my answer on video here:


After our long day in the street we made a simple but special treat for dinner. See the video here and other travel videos on the sisters blog:


That was our day and this is our new night camp spot:

Till tomorrow saints, rejoice always again I say rejoice! 

God be praised


Here is the biblical gospel:
Here is a 10 point biblical test:
Spirit and Truth Teaching Blog
Go here for audio teachings
Go here for video's: