Van Dweller For Christ July 15 2021

I thought I would go back to my daily van posts "for a season". To better redeem the time; I will add daily pictures, experiences and some witnessing we do, on the way. (most new teachings and verse by verse studies will be put in the Fellowship Gathering area) This post is just part of the daily life of a gospel street preacher/his wife, as we travel/van dwell and preach Christ crucified all over America. May you be blessed by it!

See the gospel and 10 point test:


For those saints in Christ (united to us in fellowship,) I will be focusing MORE on posting fellowship gathering teachings & verse by verse bible studies as we travel/street preach. 

As you know, I now post those here for your and the NT bodies edification:

ps if you are looking for regular fellowship and edifying daily, shoot me an email, we are here for you. 



The day started off great as we traveled far out west to reach some destinations for street preaching. 


This is what we have to deal with in ministry almost daily.

Dennis Hart of Sparta, Tn is a claimed apologetic's teacher who came to me via email to ask about a sad event at a Mennonite false body in 2019. (They called the police on me for talking peacefully for 4 minutes outside of their building and I document it all on the link below) He was questioning it all and I just asked Dennis what the gospel is to start our conversation. He told me he is a college level teacher, he gave me some man made denominational places he was linked to then he gave me a very incomplete gospel. When I just challenged his gospel, he told me I did not know his heart, that I was slandering the Mennonites (but he knows nothing of it all) and that he would sue me if I used his emails to show his actual words. (wow, some men like to hide in the dark I guess/ John 3:19-21) How foolish as I have the audio (and some video I may put up too) of the entire event in 2019 at the link below. (Note: I have Dennis emails on file as proof)

Pray for Mr Hart that he repents, finds eternal life, learns godly love, and the truth vs just man made religion. We love them all.....    

See that Mennonite wicked body/bishop exposed here:


Sister debbie's post for the day with travel videos....


Here is a link with hundreds of teaching videos to bless you:


The government told you that vaccines would protect you from all the viruses but now; they say the new delta variant is making even vaccinated people sick???? What is next; a vaccine of the month club? Do not be deceived.....

See my articles on corona/vaccines here:


We saw some awesome campers out here:  

We still like our gospel camper van best ...


At that truck stop, I got free water and I left the man a gospel card. Always look for ways to share truth folks.

Look at the beauty out here..... 


It was a long productive driving day. We are right in the tourist areas to street preach at and some music concerts too. Thank you Father for safe travels.  

Here is our free night camp spot by the train tracks and we sure hope they fly by at night as we love the train sounds to sleep to. 

Rejoice all you saints, the victory is ours, strive on!

God be praised
