Puking Out Demons is Unbiblical

We have been encountering many false deliverance ministries claiming many false ways. Recently it is casting out demons and they say people are puking them out of their mouth. This is troubling because the men claiming this are VERY unbiblical in many ways, have false gospels and God's Word NEVER teaches or examples their false way's at all. These men can be seen yelling at demons, doing repetitive prayers over & over, jumping around and getting emotional. The truth is none of this is seen examples by Jesus or Paul in scripture as under the Powerful move at that time; they simply "spoke" and demons left or men were healed. 

After studying on this topic; let me list the scripture verses where we see demons being cast out through people puking them out!

There are none..... not one! 

The only verse most of the false teachers try to use is:

For unclean spirits, crying with loud voice, came out of many that were possessed with them: and many taken with palsies, and that were lame, were healed. (Acts 8:7)

It does not say they came out via puking, it says they cried with a loud voice. These false men are twisting that verse far out of context! I can report to you that this idea of people puking out demons is nothing but a invention of man and it is leading many astray. 

This is all the fruit of some very bad theology out of false men like Derek Prince who was a leader of deliverance ministries some decades back. 

There is NO New Testament teaching (for today) that is encouraging deliverance ministries and demon chasing as these false men are doing. While there was a powerful movement of the Spirit in Acts, we see the saints using words and demons left. We do not have the same power the Apostles once had today as evidenced by these false teachers. 

The book of James tells us how to deal with satan and his demons:

Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
James 4:7

We are not instructed to seek demon casting, deliverance ministries or teach demon puking at all. Clearly things are NOT happening today (in the same way) as in the book of Acts though; miracles can indeed still occur no doubt but they will be in line with scripture. 

 What these false men today are doing is deception, stunts and spiritual trickery!  

The problem today is there's a rise in what's called 'Deliverance Ministries' today claiming that people need to be delivered from all sorts of demons (they have demons for everything it seems per them) but they are false teachers leading the masses astray with very bad doctrines of devils. I am working on a detailed article that exposes deliverance ministries here:

Also check out this testings deliverance ministries that have been tested to God's Word and exposed for their many false teachings in such areas including puking out demons! 

Note: go here to see the large testing that in my opinion exposes many false ways of Phillip Blair:

Here you will find article links pertaining to such things as 'slain in the spirit / kudilini spirit', python and Jezebel spirits as not being real spirits as these men claim.




Test all things and repent of this bad theology if you have been infected by it. Obey the gospel and follow Jesus in spirit and truth! John 4:24 


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Here is a 10 point biblical test:
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