Does Islam Worship The Same God as Christianity?

You cannot hardly turn around these days and not hear about, get asked about or read about news and violent events regarding the Islamic faith around the world. Since we didn't have anything on our blog about Islam, we decided we better place a post there as truth ( as always ) matters greatly. Please keep in mind our goal here is not to give you piles of info and references. We don't write that way and it is for a reason. The bible says we are to seek truth like the world seeks gold and silver. We will present for you some core truths and even challenge what you may believe today. Then it is up to you to study and research them yourself (if you really desire truth) and by doing so you will gain a deeper understanding of the topic. Note: if you find our info as being in error; we will expect an email or call to correct/rebuke us and set us straight with facts please; no opinions of man just the Holy Word. Thank you.

Sadly today many people approach the Islamic faith the same way they do when it involves other faiths like hinduism, roman catholicism, mormons or jehovah witness etc. They "assume" much and often go with their feelings and not the pure facts.
This is a dangerous way to discern truth and we don't recommend it at all!  ( Jesus said.... the truth will set you free )

With Islam making many gains all over the globe, many wonder if this faith will spread to become THE main world religion and perhaps even unite with other faiths? It should be noted that even the roman catholic faith in their catechism believes that muslims are following the same God. ( see RC #841 ) They have much in common together and many believe they could unite one day? But again; our question is: are they ( Islam) worshiping the same God as true Christians?

Most people we speak with will tell us that they believe that Islam is just another type of faith and all of them indeed worship the same God. Is this true about the Islamic faith? Do they really worship the same God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? Let's test their theology so we can make a correct judgment regarding this faith and then perhaps we can verify if it is in truth or error. Keep in mind Christians are to "test everything" and hold fast to what is good. ( 1 Thessalonians 5:21 )

Facts About Islam

The founder of Islam was a so called prophet named Muhammad.  He started this faith in the 7th century in Mecca (long after Christ walked the earth in His flesh).  Islam means peace but is that really a true description of them and their ways? We shall see.  We said 'so called' prophet as not one miracle was ever attributed to Muhammad as is common with the Prophets of God in the bible. Muhammad was known to have received revelation from allah (god to muslims) and he recorded this in their holy book the koran. Today around the world there are over one billion muslims; mostly in Asia and Africa. In order to determine if this faith is following the true God of Christianity we need look at their own doctrines and beliefs rather then rumors or guessing about it. We ourselves have no ill will towards muslims and seek only the truth so people can understand it and be set free in it for God's glory.

We must understand what is the cornerstone of the Christian faith to compare Islam to it.

So what is the core of the Christian faith? That would be Jesus Christ who claimed to be God and His followers worship Him as Lord. He came in the form of a man to be the perfect sacrifice for the sins of those who will repent and seek after Him. ( see or listen to the gospel ...good news...message here to be born again in Him:

Question: who does Muhammad and the koran say Jesus was or is?

Fact: Islam denies that Jesus is the Christ (they claim He was only a prophet)

Please note:  the bible says if you deny that Christ is Lord you are not of God and you are then an anti-Christ.
Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. 1 John 2:2

This alone makes Islam an antichrist faith and we ask you; can an antichrist spirit come from the true and living God? We think not!

Moving on:
How do Muslims believe they will enter heaven?

The God of the Christian faith says it is through faith in the atoning work of Christ on the cross alone and no man can ever merit the righteousness it takes to please God.
Epesians 2:8  For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

Muhammad that taught in Islam you must work, do and preform religious rituals (5 times daily praying, fasting, giving alms, pilgrimages etc) and even then you cannot be sure you will be saved in the end.  There is no loving God who has sent His Son and made a way for men to gain eternal life.  So the gospel of Islam is NOT the gospel of the bible so how can they be from the same God?  They cannot be.

Christ is the cornerstone and is the Son of God but allah is known to NOT have a son at all in Islam!

Again... by this glaring doctrinal difference does this sound anything like the same god is being served in Islam as the Redeemer God of the bible? Again we say.... there is no way.

Keep in mind the bible says there is only "one way" to heaven and that is Jesus Christ ( see John 14:6 ) So if you say Islam is of the One True God; what you are saying is Jesus (and His Word) is a liar. Are you prepared to do that?

To be honest we could stop right here and that would be enough evidence to prove that Islam is not following the true God of the bible and thus they are a false faith that cannot save anyone. (Note the roman catholic faith is also very wrong about them as they are about many spiritual issues.)

Muhammad the prophet

As we said, there were no true miracles even attributed to Muhammad and he himself had questionable beliefs rooted in paganism. He lifted up a "black stone" in their worship that is still today kissed and touched by millions of pilgrims in Mecca which clearly has idol/pagan roots that go back beyond Islam's founding. (Many also link Islam to false moon god worship of old.)
It is also known that Muhammad was a violent man that took part in massacres of Jews beheading over 600 in a single event. (See town of Banu Qurayza.)
Does this sound like a true Prophet of peace in union with a Holy God?

What About Violence in the Bible

While it is true that there was violence in the Holy bible that God Himself ordained; if you look at them in context there is a huge difference between that and the teachings of Islam. It was done only for a time, against a specific people and it is not a MAIN doctrine of the faith or used to spread the faith at all. Understood correctly, it was war used to purge evil for a set purpose then it was quickly over. God Himself does have control over His creation to do as He pleases after all and thankfully today we are under grace though faith in Christ. (But His wrath will return one day in the last days.) If you desire to call the God of the bible violent, then you must be prepared to call a police force that simply exercises justice and order as violent in their actions as well which makes no sense at all. As for the many killed by so called Christian's in the middle ages, two important points should be noted. Many killed were in fact muslims that over took by bloody force foreign lands and two; the people doing the killings back then were NOT true bible believing Christians but pagan roman catholics. (The roman catholics killed millions in their persecution of dissenters.) Knowing the context and the real facts help understand truth... don't you agree?

Religion of Peace?

There is a great chance that you have seen and heard about the massive amounts of violence that are coming out of some Islam groups over the years. Well this is nothing new and this faith is based on and well known for terrible violence as doctrine, forcing people to follow allah, beheading its foes, taking slaves/spoils and such. We see this being played out in the middle east by terrorist muslims who are committed and serious about their faith which means attacking non muslims and advancing Islam by force. This is taught in the Koran and not just radical muslins acting out alone. Muhammad was a man who acted as much like a military leader as he did a prophet of his god Allah. The truth is that violence is taught in the pages of the koran. They are told to strike at the necks of the infidels thus all the beheadings. ( infidel is any non muslim ) See Koran 8:60

In fact Islam has a system of total control and governmental rule that aims to take over the entire planet one day. Do you see it spreading the globe as we type this post?

Can a violent faith like this be of the same spirit as the peaceful Lord Jesus Christ who was the Lamb of God? We say no. Islam is a faith of dark pagan roots, it teaches violence and bondage with no real hope for its followers and it has many attributes that are very foreign to the Holy Pure God of the bible.

Let us give you some other facts that may help shed deeper truth on Islam and its potential origins.

Did you know that in pre Islam times Allah and Baal were worshipped with the sun, moon and stars.  (That was forbidden by the God of the bible.) What is Islam's symbol today but a crescent moon with a star.

Did you know in the beginning of the Koran it calls Allah the god of the world and the bible calls satan the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4)

Did you know that the bible calls satan a destroyer in 1 Corinthians 1:10 and that is also what the Koran calls Allah ....a destroyer and bringer of death.

Did you know that the Koran says Allah is a deceiver and the bible calls satan a deceiver in Revelation 12:9

Did you know the Koran calls Allah proud and the bible says satan fell over pride / he wanted to be God. Isaiah 14

Did you know that Muhammad was known to have said that Allah:
can't stand the most awful name of..... the King of Kings.
Hadith Volume 8, Book 73, No. 224:

What does the bible call Jesus Christ at His second coming?
These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.
Revelation 17:14
Jesus is the King of Kings and it is He that will finally defeat satan on earth and toss him in the pit.Why would God ( allah ) detest the name of Himself ... King of Kings? Or could it be satan ( allah ) dislikes the name of the True God Jesus Christ King of Kings at His second coming?

This is an important piece of info you can act on and do some more research into if your interested to go deeper. Many people who were once muslim and other people who have studied it in depth really believe the allah is in fact satan or at best; Islam has demonic pagan roots and influence to it a its core. If you fit the pieces together of a questionable prophet, a violent teaching faith, no redemption or hope, a antichrist spirit, taking over the globe with murder/force, deception and a hatred of a Holy Christ..... could satan indeed be the Islamic allah after all? Please keep in mind that satan is called "the god of this world" per the Holy bible and allah is known as their god. As they try to build a world kingdom on earth by force who has a desire to totally control the earth/man which is God's shining creation? Who desired to be worshiped even by trickery/lies? (See eve in the garden) It is the devil himself and as the facts add up, they cannot be denied; if you desire the truth that is.

Also you consider this will you:
satan hates God and so who would he hate most of all on earth? God's chosen people Israel (the Jews) correct? Many claimed Hilter was demon possessed and who did he hate and try to wipe out? The Jews right? Now who does the Islamic faith hate and desire to stomp out completely? The Jews and the nation of Israel. Just a coincidence...we think not! Is it more evidence perhaps of the true father of this false faith. You must decide for yourself but know this... satan is a master deceiver!

When you look closer there are many troubling aspects to the Islamic faith  that must be exposed so the truth be known. We hope some of these facts open your eyes to understand that Islam does NOT follow the God of the bible at all and has many very dangerous and unbiblical teachings involved in it.  Do not be fooled by those who say it is a peaceful, true and loving faith.

Either Jesus Christ is Lord and the ONLY Way or He is a liar. Which is it?

In closing, some muslims may indeed want peace but the doctrines and ways of the true Islam from Muhammad and the koran are anything but peaceful and true. They are not of the Holy Risen Savior God who alone can give you hope and redeem you from your sins unto eternal life to come.

Let God be true and every man a liar.

Please contact us if we can help you in any way.

For His glory…