Denominational Signs and Their Poor Theology

(Click HERE to listen to this message on John 4:24 Radio)

Do you ever notice things that stand out to you as you pass by them? 

We often see many different signs and billboards that dot the Wisconsin landscape. 
We were driving down Highway 33 last week near Reedsburg and we saw this sign on the local man made denominational religious building:

Since it is never good to base your thoughts about God's truth on your own opinions, lets discern this message on the sign using God's Word shall we? As always we want to base my way's on the Holy Word as Jesus tells us to worship in spirit and truth (John 4:24) and to not be practicing lies (Revelation 22:14-15) that will damn your soul. Here are the experiences we had and the testing we did of this religious body of man in Reedsburg Cornerstone Baptist

Ok, lets take their sign on theologically for God's glory. We see five main areas of great error in this short but very false religious message.

1) MEET ME.......
This sign tells us we must go somewhere to meet God. This is a lie as the New Testament teaches clearly that God's dwells in His people today via His Holy Spirit (Acts 7:48 and 1 Corinthians 6:19)
Click HERE to read 'Is Building Centered Faith Biblical?

2) GOD'S HOUSE...........
The sign is implying their building of brick and mortar is God's house. Is this true according to scripture? No it is not as 1 Peter 2 says His people are the house of God not some building.
Please go to this post and read / listen to #1 that details why building centered worship is in error biblically.

3) SUNDAY .... is NOT the Lord's day
The sign also implies (as does denominational religion) that Sunday is the Lord's day. This is a lie.
After Christ was risen He became our Rest (Hebrews 4) and everyday is the Lord's. It was pagan Rome (not God's Word) that made Sunday ( after sun god worship ) the new day to gather. See our post HERE on why the Lords Day is not about Sunday.  

4) NFL FOOTBALL .......
To link a Holy Holy Holy Almighty God to the violent carnality of mans crude sports entertainment is very sinful and wrong. The bible teaches His true people live holy (1 Peter 1:15) all the time (not just in religious services) and not to be like the fallen world. See our post HERE on why the NFL is NOT of God at all and to be avoided by His true people.

Lastly, the sign also implies that truth and God speaks through such things. This is important as many groups are now taking to extra-biblical revelation and deceiving many more people into looking for and listening to God's voice/truth in other areas besides His Word alone.

God's Word teaches He speaks through the Son today and that is His Word (John 1 and Hebrews 1) not any other means. See our post HERE about those who claim to seek messages and Gods presence when it is ALL in the Holy Word for His true people.

Now we understand most people will say; " lighten up man, it was only a tongue in cheek joke"! 

And that could have been issue #6 really because let us be clear... we don't take the seriousness of God's Word and Ways as a joke at all! To place the name of the Living God on a sign and somehow make light of truth or anything else is indeed a form of blasphemy that we must call out and reject. 

Make no mistake..... making up things as you go and placing Gods name on them is a MOCKERY! (Galatians 6:7)

Sadly, this is more evidence of the very poor fruit of such man made religious places that are not fully biblical, they are not serious about God's Word/holiness and they deceive people by drawing them with ill ear tickling theology, not proclaiming and standing on the fullness of God's Word.

The Apostle Peter encourage God's people to be sober minded:
1 Peter 1:13
Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ
Our ministry is here to call out error and point the way to the Lords truth.
As you see and hear things we pray you begin to test it all to His Word (1 Thessalonians 5:21) lest you be swept away in man made spiritual error that will destroy you unless you're born in Christ. 
Have you been truly born from above in Christ? 
Please go to our site that lays out biblically the many reasons man made religion is false and to be rejected but those who seek spirit and truth worship (John 4:24)

Come out of such things and be ye separate says the Lord (2 Corinthians 6:17)
Let us know how we can assist you.