The Dangers of Pragmatism **

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In this fallen world there are many beliefs that will lead a person far from God and eternal life to come so it is very important that those who strive to follow Jesus Christ in the fullness of His truth set their minds on that which is biblical and reject the rest. It is rebellious and sinful to be swept up in the many man made ideas and practices that only serve to lead us away from God and His Holy Word. Our text for today's message is Colossians 2:8 where the Apostle Paul gives God's true set apart people a stern warning on what to set your mind and life upon:

Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.
Colossians 2:8

There is a very common American made human philosophy that came about in the late 1870's and has gained a renewed popular following today. It is called pragmatism. The truth is it has devastated many of the religious mainstream/denominational/evangelical organizations and people who "claim" Christ's name. Many people don't even know what it is or that it has affected them in such a great way. It is a hidden danger that lurks and so we feel the need to expose it here, in godly love.

Pragmatism has roots in man's various false ideas of old such as Darwinism (evolution) and secular humanism (atheism) and the modern form of public education (through John Dewey) that really mirrors socialism in many ways. To understand it better we must know what it is at its core.

*Pragmatism is relativistic and so it rejects the idea of absolute truth, good and evil. This is a direct assault on God's Word as it is truth. 

*Pragmatism really defines truth in its own new way and there lies the danger. It teaches that if something is useful, meaningful, helpful it is then good. 

*Basically to the pragmatic mind is if something or a course of action "works" for the desired out come, it is deemed good and worthy.   (This clearly leaves God's Word where we are given specific commands to follow in our walk.)

While many "so called" Christians don't practice the purest form of pragmatism openly, they have allowed a adapted version of it to seep into their biblical theology and so they are carrying a "cancer of error" within them and their actions. Let me give you several examples of religious pragmatism and then compare it to God's Holy Word which is our real instruction on how to live life in Christ per 2 Timothy 3:16
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness,  that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.

Let's say a person named Larry comes to Christ, is made new in Him and then goes to a church elder for some wisdom and instruction. He says "Mr. elder I have been reading where the Holy Word tells me to come out of my fallen carnal ways and not be like the world around me." (Romans 12:2, 1 John 2:15, James 4:4 all say to leave the worlds ways.) Larry says: "I want to reach people for the Lord but I am very convicted that I cannot partake in things such as secular entertainment or violent pro sports like the NFL with my un-regenerated friends like I once used to. What should I do?"

The elder who is steeped in pragmatism (which is most common today in modern pastors) says:
"Larry... if you want to reach your friends for the Lord you must be part of their life and be close to them. So it is perfectly fine for you to partake in those things with them as a tool to then try to reach them for the Lord. How can you reach them if you are not in their lives doing what they do on a regular basis?"

Did you see the pragmatism that was slipped right in here? God's Word clearly calls true believers out of sinful worldly lifestyles and to serve God as their first responsibility in holiness and obedience.
One such verse is this:
2 Corinthians 6:17
Come out from among them
And be separate, says the Lord.
Do not touch what is unclean,
And I will receive you

But the elder has clearly disregarded what God's Word says just to get to the end goal of reaching others for Christ. God's Word teaches His true people are to call out to the lost with the biblical gospel but NOT to be like them or do what pagans and heathens do to try win them. 

We are to be HOLY (set apart for God) 1 Peter 1:15 in all our ways as God is Holy. 

This elder has let both His own faith and Larry down in a big way all due to spiritual pragmatism.

Let me give you another quick example:
Perhaps some denominational/evangelical people begin to see the flaws and lies of man made denominational religion and are starting to slowly pull themselves away from it all. This is a wonderful thing and they have a desire to reach those still in that system with more bible truth and the New testament church life. They really have only two options before them:

1) They can use theological pragmatism and say: well if we don't stay in there and still practice the false religion how can we reach the people there? So they will continue doing false religion that God rejects in the hopes of pointing out false ways to others. This makes no sense per God's Holy Word. Like getting in quick sand to help others out of it. If others see their poor witness they may think what they are doing (false religion) is biblical and good when it is sin. We are to reach for their hand and pull the lost out but not jump in their mess and be defiled in the process. We are the Lord's and we must remember we are not our own any longer! (See 1 Corinthians 6:19-20.)

We are to hate false ways:
Through thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way.
Psalm 119:114 

2) They can do what is biblical and repent of then "stop practicing" vain man made traditions that Jesus warned about in Mark 7. They can then biblically reach out to those that are still in false religion by going there and standing "outside" to witness or by "calling up and meeting with people separately" and proclaiming the gospel truth to them to call them out of false worship. In this they are both reaching others who may want the truth and keeping themselves unspotted from sin and error. Now it won't make them popular at all and they will lose friends and family but Jesus told us the world will hate His own in Matthew 10 didn't He?

I hope you can now see the dangers of pragmatism that if allowed in can make just about ANYTHING seem ok if the end goal is good. This dishonors God and it ruins ones obedient witness and walk in Christ. Sitting in false ways and allowing the world to stain us in NOT biblical Christianity but it is biblical pragmatism and it must be rejected. In the book of James chapter 1 verse 27 we read this:
Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.

We can only keep ourselves unspotted from the world by knowing of its pitfalls, being on guard for its many errors and (daily) putting them ALL out of our lives. Pragmatism is one such false way that needs to be rejected as we strive on in biblical obedience for the King of Kings! Cling to his Word alone won't you?

Let us also encourage you by saying we do not need man's ways, false denominational religion or new philosophies that come out of the dark heart of the human race. The Apostle Paul told us all that we need is found in Christ!
Colossians 2:9-10
For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily;  and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.

Also remember what scripture says in 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22:
test all things and hold fast to what is good and abstain from every appearance of evil.

If we do this faithfully we will keep ourselves pure and out of spiritual error that can only confound our walk in the Lord and not strengthen it for His glory. I hope this teaching on pragmatism has you on guard for it in your walk and that you are ready to cast it aside lest it cheat you of truth.
(See Colossians 2:8)

Lets us know how we can assist you in anyway at all.

May God be praised.....