Warning! Multi-Level Marketing Youngevity

Multilevel marketing schemes have been very popular for years and some have a Christian flavor in name only that seem to be enticing professed believers to become ensnared in their marketing programs.  Youngevity is no exception, in fact it is very popular with the unbiblical word of faith movement as (false teachers) Benny Hinn, Jim Bakker and Creflo Dollar have been promoting it.  The founder, Joel Wallach, talks about God and following what God says but based on the unbiblical issues with Joel Wallach and his company, we question what god he refers to.

We are not saying a professed Christian cannot take supplements, our concern is the spiritual nature that the founder is proclaiming, the unbiblical issues with the company, the false teachers that are promoting it and the scheme of multi level marketing.  By a professed believer actively promoting this company, they are also promoting what the company stands for and encouraging others to do so by buying into it and then spreading it to others.

Wallach has many truths about the nutritional value of quality supplements and the depletion of the earth from trace minerals BUT we cannot exclude the danger that he steers people away from the truth of God.

Here are some disturbing facts that Christians need to be aware of about Youngevity.
*Joel Wallach claims that all disease is caused by nutrition deficiency and totally neglects the Word of God that says the cause is sin.

*He claims that lack of nutrients in the hypothalamus creates a sexual identity issue that could be the cause of homosexuality.

*Youngevity (the name itself) promotes the desire to live longer through the process of man rather than knowing that God is the giver and taker of life.   (Supplements can be a good thing if used with caution, wisdom and keeping in mind the cost but a danger in such business fields as this is that people can tend to make it into an obsession or idol without realizing it. )

*They promote women wearing jewelry and makeup which goes against 1 Timothy 2 and 1 Peter 3.

*They promote nakedness (according to God’s Word) by their advertising and spokes people.

*Leadership training is encouraged when God’s Word says we are to be servants.

*Multi level marketing schemes promote greed/get rich quick.

*Their pricing is extremely high and therefore not a good use of the resources God has given.

*They promote pagan holidays like Christ-mass.

*Again, they are linked with false word of faith, unbiblical teachers. (Wallach can be seen on the internet speaking with these teachers as noted above. ) 

*Lastly we find it strangely interesting that the  founder of Youngevity, Dr. Wallach is aging and one has to wonder, will he live to be 120 just because he takes his supplements.

A professed believer that promotes this company is also promoting their unbiblical traits that can lead others astray from the Word of God.

There are many supplements on the market that one can take to help their health that do not rob you of large amounts of money and don’t promote unbiblical theories.  We entreat Christians to use wisdom when seeking out business opportunities and health care.

God be praised!
Contact us at www.dontperish.com