Hobby Lobby Sells Nice Crafts and Heretic False Teachers

It never ends the level of deception in all places these days. Not long ago; I went into a Hobby Lobby craft store to look around. I was aware of them as we did a biblical testing of them some years back but I wanted to see their stores for myself. 

As soon as I approached the entry door I saw their sign:

we are closed Sundays so families can worship with their families

While this may sound all nice, biblical and godly it has several unbiblical issues with it.

1) worship of God is NOT found in going to buildings but it is your every day lived for Him.

2) Sunday is NOT the Lords days as most man made religion teaches today 

3) Hobby Lobby is selling MANY heretics books for them; all for profit

I walked only about 40 feet and saw a book rack LOADED with the following heretical authors:

Sarah Young of Jesus Calling
Joyce Meyer
Joel Osteen
TD Jakes
Rick Warren 
and many more..........

I want to warn people about this company. 
While they claim to be biblical and they do sell many good and pure things; they are also selling many dangerous heretical books for profit. David Green is into many unbiblical false associations and this biblical testing we did proves it:


We are warned in God's Holy Word to avoid such men who leave sound doctrine ( see Romans 16:17 ) not to go and support them with the Lords money.

Please be warned of them will you.........


Here is the biblical gospel:
Here is a 10 point biblical test:

Go here for audio teachings:

His true people follow Him in spirit and truth (John 4:24) NOT.... man made false ways or today's denominational religion.

God be praised