Josh Hall Selmore Baptist Church Refuted on Head Covering Teaching

I recently came across this article from a modern baptist pastors blog, Josh Hall of Selmore Baptist in Ozark MO. Frankly it was so bad, weak on truth and out right deceptive; I had to write a refuting article and offer it up to you as more proof of the foolishness and bad theology of man made religion today. 

It is on head coverings and it shows how feminized modern pastors really are today and the lengths they will go to NOT teach it as doctrine. 

You will find his article wrting in black and my words in blue that refute him.

I will email it to him in the hopes he is enlightened to the truth of God's Word vs his false traditions. 

Let it be a teaching moment for us all. 


Should Women Wear Head Coverings in the Church?

In 1 Corinthians 11, Paul teaches that a woman's head should be covered in the public worship of the church.  Bear in mind, this is not an obscure passage from Leviticus.  So we can't just write it off as "ceremonial law" (if you hold to such distinctions) that no longer applies to us as New Testament believers.  What are we supposed to do with this?  Is the modern church in error by forsaking this practice?

In actuality, Paul's instructions to the church at Corinth on this matter seem to be in response to a local custom in that region, rather than intended as a universal command to the Church at large.  In other words, this passage would seem to be more descriptive of the situation at Corinth, than intended as prescriptive for believers of all times/places. 

Josh has this bible study mindset all wrong, this is prescriptive, not descriptive.  Paul declared a command (prescriptive) he was not describing the situation at Corinth. Paul said it is a shame for a woman to pray uncovered, how can this be descriptive?

Josh offers NO evidence for this local custom argument?
Scripture does not say it was local at all as 1 Corinthians 1 says the letter is for all churches everywhere who claim Christ! 

 Consider the following:

1)  Christ never mentions the issue.

By this bible study approach then homosexuality is not a valid issue either as Christ never mentioned it. He needs to know when ANY inspired author spoke; it was God/Jesus speaking. It is sad he does not know this and he is a pastor?

How ridiculous to even use such a defense for non covering! 

2)  Paul never mentions the issue outside of this one occurrence in 1 Corinthians.  If it was intended as a universal command, and an important practice in the corporate worship of the Church, one would think it would have come up in at least one other epistle.

Again what a flawed man made bible study approach we have here. Using Josh's logic that means the Lord's Supper is not all that important as it is ONLY mentioned in 1 epistle. 1 Corinthians 11. Huh? 
That is the very chapter he says was about a Corinth custom ( head covering ) just for them and for then. So was the Lord's Supper a custom just for then too?

Again it is ridiculous to create your theology using his methods and it is sinful too!

The fact is pulpits, instrumental music, denominational names, tithing, youth pastors, pagan Easter/Christmas and the one man modern pastor role is NEVER taught or kept even once in the NT body but Baptist men like Josh hold to them all today as part of their man made traditions. 

So do you see the hypocrisy?

Feminized men like Josh negate or take away what God has clearly said like on head coverings ( 1 Corinthians 11 ) and they ADD and do their own ways to their so called worship of God.

Jesus hates that and He spoke of it in Mark 7:7-9
Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do.
And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition.

3)  Perhaps most importantly, such a command would seem to run contrary to the very heart of the New Testament, which stresses repeatedly that faith is a matter of the heart and worship a matter of the spirit.  The New Testament clearly removes emphasis from the outward/physical.  If taken as a universal command, this would seem to be a rather bizarre departure from the general thrust of the NT.

Josh goes even more over the top to total absurdity here. By saying "the NT removes the outward/physical" that means a believer today can, dress like a harlot, cuss like a sailor, tattoo their body/temple, be fat as a glutton, be lazy, men could cross dress, woman can dress like men, they can pierce all their body parts, they can adorn themselves and in fact by Josh's ill Baptist theology; you can be naked as the outward / physical is removed now. 

More ridiculous feminist theology to be rejected. 

The fact is that all over the NT Word we see clear teaching on the outsides/actions of a true believer as fruit they are of God. Paul and Peter teach about dress in 1 Timothy 2 and 1 Peter 3 just as a couple examples.  

All that being said, Paul certainly does not discourage the Corinthians from taking part in this custom.  And in fact, seems to advocate it.  Which begs the question, "What merit does Paul see in this?"  Well, the underlying principle behind the custom is actually quite biblical... 

Oh Paul not only encourages it ( head covering ) he said it is shameful to NOT cover and pray!  How much more clear can he be?

The head covering distinguishes between the role of men and women in the corporate worship of the church.  And without getting too much into that (that's a whole other blog) let it suffice to say that God created men and ladies to serve separate functions.  The Bible establishes male leadership, both in the family and the church.  Thus, the practice of ladies wearing head coverings was an acknowledgement of God's intended design.

Want to see even more hypocrisy in Josh?
The very protestant men he/Baptists will lift up as great in God like Spurgeon, Edwards, Luther and Calvin; they ALL taught ladies to veil themselves per 1 Corinthians 11. Do they teach all the great founders of their evangelical faith ( their words not mine ) had it wrong and they have it right today? You're out on a feminist limb Josh that even your unbiblical ( some times murderous ) reformers had biblically correct per God's Word. 

While our ladies may not wear head coverings to church in modern America, we too need to be faithful to demonstrate God's intended design/order for the role of men and women in the church.  This is the primary application of the passage.  The issue of head coverings is only secondary.

No Josh, God's Word is true and you're in sin. You cannot appease your modern feminism and just demonstrate men and woman roles your own Baptist way. The Apostle Paul says ( inspired by God ) it is shameful for your wife and ladies to pray uncovered. Why won't you obey His Word vs striving with silly excuses and teaching AGAINST it?

Some additional points:

*Apostle Paul spends 16 verses on head coverings. That is more than he spent teaching against lady pastors but Josh and Baptist's cling to that doctrine with a death grip don't they? ( as they should to all of God's Word )

*For 1900 years Christian ladies covered. There is even reference to it in the OT. It was a mere 100 years ago and ladies still head covered but then the modern feminist movement took it away and modern pastors ( like Josh Hall )  followed their lead into sin. 

*The fact is if a woman is going to pray unceasingly ( 1 Thessalonians 5 )  and be biblical in her dress; she needs to head cover at all times when she is in public or praying anywhere. 

*In Josh's wedding photo ( I didn't post that here ) his wife has a head veil on. 
So; she will wear one on her special day but not for the Lord? Where does Josh think that practice ( woman veiling ) came from? Do you think 1 Cor 11 had something to do with it? More hypocrisy. 

*Josh claims to have gone to several bible colleges so are we to assume this is how they taught him to study the Holy Word? ( well, he wasted his tuition money it seems )

We cover all of the issues and arguments on our teaching blog.  Please see these many biblical articles below to help you in the truth about head covering, feminism and dress for ladies.

Sadly; Baptist men like Josh are so busy twisting to find ways OUT of teaching what 1 Corinthians 11 clearly says (to please ladies today and keep the pews full ) they have shown the lack of their ability to understand and divide/teach God's Word rightly. In that and so many other false ways they do, they are disqualified as biblical Titus 1 elders. How pathetic. I am not surprised though as he is a denominational man not a biblical NT man as this issue shows. 

Go here to see him and his religious body tested:

In truth, carnal man CANNOT see the things of God.
All of this from a modern pastor Josh who keeps many man made false ways and shows his carnality to would watch brutal violent pagan fighting games and admit it to the world on FB. 

Our Holy God deserves and demands better then this Josh. 
Repent and step down, then study to be approved; something you greatly lack as a practicing Baptist!

God be praised

Here is the biblical gospel:
Here is a 10 point biblical test:

Go here for audio teachings:

His true people follow Him in spirit and truth (John 4:24) NOT.... man made false ways or today's denominational religion.