A Hitchhiker named Ashtray
I witnessed to a young man and lady sitting along the highway in Wyoming as he played his guitar. His name was ashtray. ( I had to turn around as we were headed in the opposite direction as them ) They were headed to another state and got to share the life saving gospel with them. What a joy to be the carrier of God's holy word. They received it thankfully and I went on my way as did they.
Go here to listen to a audio of our meeting:
( once there use control F and type /.. Witnessing to 2 hitchhikers Buffalo Wyoming.... to find it )
Our latest Married in the Word video is now up.
Its called ... Resisting Evil
Go here to view it
( look under Married in the Word videos )
Why do I have so many false teacher testings?
Why do I have so many false teacher testings?
Because the Bible says their will be many false men in the last days and we are commanded to mark and expose them. Rom 16;17 and 1 Tim 5:20
I am just obeying God's Word and warning precious sheep. Of course the false teachers hate when you expose them!
Do not be deceived. ....