The following are the latest updates of just some of our travels and witnessing experiences as full time van dwellers preaching Christ crucified all over America:
You can read some of our past 2019/2020 Van Dweller posts at these links here:
Here is our teaching blog:
Here is our street preaching videos:
Interested in this life? See our Van Dwelling Tip Page to help:
Dec 24-27 2020
We spent this time in northern Georgia
see a video here under a message for sisters:
We street preached outside this corrupt religious place and
the truth went out
Had a great witnessing experience here in the streets:
Here is a video we made just after we left a false religious body who called 4 police cars on us for.... just preaching the bible on the curb far from their building (wicked hirelings) :
Here is a video for you potential street preachers:
Lords Supper Explained (audio/on the road in Van Dweller Life)