Van Dwellers Street Preaching Christ Journal May 11 2023

We travel all over America as (self funded / full time) van dwellers to street    preach/witness Christ crucified to the lost culture in the streets, at religious places, events and any open market places.      


Our desire is to be in van life to preach Christ crucified, disciple saints via His truth and reach the lost. The following is our journal that shows latest posts, teachings, places, events and interesting things we encounter in van life for  Christ to edify you and other offerings from our website.
See the biblical path to eternal life here:




May 12 2023

Our van dwelling day started off great and in fact; I am not sure it can get much better. The gospel going out, a simple breakfast, quiet time with the Lord and my godly wife! I trust your day was joyous in the Lord saints? We rolled to our next town moving northward for the gospel as we have many events to hopefully proclaim Christ crucified at.


Living Faith Christian Fellowship and More Lies From Them

The Father is so faithful and today proves it once again. We rolled into a town with a known false teacher/heretical church who we have exposed online. We always seem to have appointments here from this body when we come through and today we did. We went into a store and yep, there was the false Bishop's (who I have exposed and he has slandered me) son in law and daughter, shopping. So I peacefully walked up to ask him man to man when they will give an answer to the HUGE testing I have of their cult? This man (like the other 10 I have asked) made excuses and had zero biblical correction for me; then he allowed his feminist wife to move him along. You can listen to the audio of our short talk and see the large testing that exposes their false gospel, contracts to take communion and many other sins below. Peter says be ready to give a answer 1 Peter 3:15 but these men can only talk if their lording over 3 John diotrephes bishop is there to do it for them.(who lies/slanders so you cant trust him for truth) That is the fruit of Sunday pew sitting in churchianity, it raises up goats, NOT sheep of God. Go to this link: 

I remember the days that this was either your only or your second vehicle

What can you say about a pastor/street preacher that adds Jesus name to his exercise routine.... row 4 Jesus????? Can we not hold this Mighty, Holy, Holy, Holy God up higher then this  folks, come on!!!! 

We stopped at a store and I saw the police with some youth and I can only assume maybe shop lifting? I hope they repent as per brother Paul, no thieves will inherit the Kingdom. 

nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners shall inherit the Kingdom of God. 1 Cor 6:10 

I helped sister revamp her cooler set up and she will discuss that

Why do I warn about false teachers so often you may ask? It is because they are all over, everywhere as they work 24-7 to deceive others and go against my Fathers ways. Here is a unbiblical man who claims to be a preacher, AUTOGRAPHING the eternal word of God which is blasphemous and mega prideful! He is the same man Nick Sergent that I rebuked to his face not long ago in Georgia on video and he just drove off like a coward. I hope he repents to the saving of his soul. See it here:


Sister Aman Shares: 

For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. 

Philippians 2:13 

Good evening sister saints! Let us always allow the Lord to do His will in our lives, walking in the Spirit, not fulfilling the lust of the flesh, and He will be glorified in what we do, through Him, because of Him!  There's a new sister sharing audio up, a quick one to encourage us all to shine our lights, you can listen to that HERE

And immediately the angel of the Lord smote him, because he gave not God the glory: and he was eaten of worms, and gave up the ghost. 

Acts 12:23 

We don't want to be like that, let it be a warning to us all.

The Lord allowed us safe travels and witnessing along the way.  When we arrived at our destination (a place we've been many times and have exposed a false teacher / cult group) and in the Lord's perfect timing, we ran into another one of their people (which happens almost every single time we come here) and he couldn't give an answer to their heresies.  Brother Tupos will be posting about that. 

For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision: Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake. 

Titus 1:10-11 

I bought brother Tupos a treat (a cob of corn) and there's a Titus 2 video up about how to cook it in the microwave HERE. We went on a witness walk in a store today and I found these...

...all of them in a bag for .99 cents on the discount rack.  Which by the way has a story behind it:) I was looking at the produce and an older woman came by me, picked up a bag of small potatoes in a bag and laughed.  She said 'Little potatoes in a little bag, that's funny'.  Then she read the bag 'Smash in bag' and she laughed again.  I said 'You and I are of the age where we used a peeler and smashed by hand.'  She was agreeing and said 'This world sure has changed'.  I said 'It sure has but here, let me give you something that has never changed and never will'.  I gave her a gospel card, she thanked me and agreed, walking away commenting about it.  

The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever. 

Isaiah 40:8 

 I put those little oranges or madarins or whatever they are, in the cooler.  Hey, what's that?  A new cooler inside my cooler!  I was using those flexible ones (you can see that post HERE from a while ago) but they kept leaking and so we decided to try something different.  This one has a hard shell inside and it's so much easier to use and should last a very long time.  

Let us sisters continue to labor for the kingdom of God, pressing one another on. HERE's a post with more scripture / pictures shared from sisters.  

Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall: For so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and  Saviour Jesus Christ. 

2 Peter 1:10-11 

There are more audio bible readings up: Philippians 2 HERE and Psalm 143 HERE.


The Lord be magnified in our lives as we live to bring Him honor and glory!

Hold fast to our Savior and Messiah sister saints! 

Sister Aman


It is a beautiful night here at camp dontperish.....

We hope to drive to get to a preach tomorrow but we always say. if the Lord wills? Are you in His will this day?

Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done. Luke 22:42

Holding dear..... the ekklesia of God

Brother Tupos with sister Aman


Here is a link to most of our resources: