Is Easter Biblical or Pagan? **

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It is that time of the year again and we are often asked about or have to confront the holiday so many call 'Easter'. (We reject the phrase.) Since we strive (and we encourage all others) to set their lives to the Lord's Word and not man's traditions that are often very false, lets investigate this topic deeper. Here are some simple questions that need to be answered in the life of a person who claims salvation and truth in Jesus Christ.

1) What does the Word of God tell us about celebrating Easter, if anything at all? 

2) What is the origin of Easter and how was it linked to Christianity?

3) Are the things of Easter true and biblical or false pagan origins?

4) Should it be celebrated at all?

5) What are Christ followers to celebrate and biblically proclaim at this time?
1) What does the Word of God tell us about Easter, if anything at all?
First off we must tell you that there are NO instructions to practice the celebration of Easter in the Holy scriptures. In fact only one place mentions that term (Easter) and it is in the the King James version see Acts 12:4. Most believe that is an incorrect translation and it should read Passover and not Easter at all. No other translation uses the term Easter and the Hebrew root word pascha means Passover not Easter. So we can say the Word of God does not mention an Easter celebration. None at all.

Now many will say that it is the celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and that is what they are celebrating. Does the bible tell us to or give us examples of those who celebrated the Resurrection of Christ? No, it does not. None of the men that we are told to model and imitate  (like Apostle Paul) practiced Easter or a resurrection event. In fact what does the bible instruct us to proclaim? We will cover that in question number 5.
Why would His people practice a unbiblical pagan false event?

2) What are the origins of Easter? We won't go into a great deal of info here but we will just inform you that if you do some basic research you will find out that deception goes very far back into man's history. The name Easter comes from a pagan way but the truth is vague. (some say goddess Ishtar or goddes Eostre or a old word meaning morning) It matters not as it is all about false ways and paganism and it is not biblical or ordained by God. It was in the 4th century that a pagan roman ruler named Constantine was responsible for linking this pagan way to what the "so called" Christian church at that time was celebrating under his reign. It was instituted to replace the Passover that many of the Christian Jews were holding to and he made it official;  Easter was the new holy day! He was a very unbiblical pagan man himself who added various pagan ways to his paganized roman church. Now ask yourself why would a follower of Jesus Christ who is the Truth... want to link themselves with such a false practice with shady ways? We choose to reject it for the glory and honor of our Holy God. You must seek truth and decide for yourself. Will you do as the pagans and practice their pagan ways?

3)  So what makes up this Easter celebration today? Many say "well we are marking Christ's Resurrection" but why would you stain and mar a wonderful Holy thing as Christ with these pagan symbols and rituals that resemble the world and damage your witness to the lost?

*The pagan name Easter ...not a biblical ordained term
*Sunrise Services.... pagan people did this as they worshiped the sun
*Easter eggs ..... these may mark the fertility of the pagan gods
*Rabbits ....again they are known for great fertility / does it involving pagan gods?
*Here is a big one...Sunday is the day of resurrection that is a lie?

Have you studied this topic for yourself? Millions of people celebrate Sunday when there is evidence that Jesus was resurrected on Saturday not Sunday. Perhaps you say not a big deal but we believe everything related to our Savior and His truth is a big deal indeed. You're free to celebrate on a Sunday but many command / claim that it is now the Lords Day and His Resurrection day... but we reject that. see our post here on that topic:

Jesus did not die on Friday either

4) Should this Easter event be celebrated at all? Indeed people will celebrate certain days and many will cry out for the "liberty" that scripture talks about for holy days and foods.
Romans 14
One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.

Paul was clearly teaching about the Jews and their many Old Testament festivals and foods vs the once pagan Gentiles now entering the Christian body as believers. He was not speaking of adopting pagan holydays at all. So does this liberty mean we can practice pagan holidays and do unbiblical rituals for God's glory? We say no and here is why. There are many examples of false worship in the bible and God hated and often judged those who did incorrect worship. See our detailed post on that here on false worship:

In this verse a man was destroyed for doing wrong worship:
2 Samuel 6:6-7 
And when they came to Nachon’s threshing floor, Uzzah put out his hand to the ark of God and took hold of it, for the oxen stumbled.   Then the anger of the Lord was aroused against Uzzah, and God struck him there for his error; and he died there by the ark of God. 

  The Word of God warns His people to not do as the pagans do so we choose to avoid what is both spiritual and pagan for His glory and for obedience to His Word. You must decide for yourself. Are you ok with pagan or at best false ways brought into your body, life and home?

5) What are Christ followers to celebrate and proclaim biblically at this time? Again we would tell you that none of the saints (we are told to model) practiced or celebrated the Lord's Resurrection/Easter as a holy day. (As stated that was a old pagan holiday brought into the perverted church by a pagan man in the 4th century) So what are we to celebrate and proclaim to be biblical and obedient to the Word of God? While His resurrection is great news what we are to proclaim is .... His death not His resurrection!

1 Corinthians 11:26 says:
For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes”

 In this area of scripture the Lord's Supper (started at Passover by Christ) is being practiced and Paul tells us to proclaim His death only. We see no evidence that they had any resurrection events and no scripture instructs us to make resurrection celebrations. (It was the early pagans who celebrated a false god's resurrection not Christ's people.) We are not told in scripture how often or when to celebrate the Lord's Supper but as often as we do, it is in remembrance of Him and His death.
You may well have the liberty for what holy day you keep; just realize that nowhere in the Word does it give us license to go pagan ways in His name. 

 Remember Jesus was now the Passover lamb to be slain for His people. If you recall, the Israelites in Egypt killed a lamb and put the blood on their doors to be protected from the death angel in the land.  The death angel passed over.... thus the name Passover. Do you see how this all ties in to who He was and what He did for His people? It is a beautiful picture of Him as our Savior and Lord who died to redeem His own. Why would we not want to fully honor Him by avoiding all things pagan and getting the facts correct related to Easter? We would say that it is our duty and joy to walk in His ways and avoid what is NOT of His Word and Ways. We choose to avoid the pagan trappings and to celebrate His death over the Lord's Supper, to proclaim Him to the lost and remember Him till He comes and NOT practice paganism in our home at all. Why would you want to practice paganism before a Holy God? 

Good Friday is a lie and Christ did not even resurrection on Sunday.
See this link on that topic that proves it in the Word:

It is a sad fact that many man made denominations will deceive people and keep them caught up in what is error filled and pagan even while doing in in the Lord's name. It must be rejected even if it causes rifts with family, friends, long time traditions and your own religious body.

We hope this sheds some light on this false pagan time of year called Easter and causes you to think about what you may be swept up in from mans vain and false traditions that Jesus warned about / see Mark 7. Can we remind you that Christ doesn't ask you to celebrate a holiday to show your faith in Him. No, He calls you to holiness and to obedience to Him and His Word in all of your days on earth.
See Romans 12:2 and Hebrews 5:9

The truth is this: pagan riddled holiday has very little to do with a Holy God when we correctly discern it for all truth using God's Word.

Go to God's Word and discern for yourself. See our resources below.

Let us know how we can help you.

Jesus said: If you love me keep my commands
John 14:15


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