Remarriage After Conversion (Divorce and Remarriage)

We at are biblical New Testament followers of Christ who have left the denominational man made religious world, we reject the ways of the culture like TV, sports, entertainment, our ladies head cover / dress (in loose, plain dresses) men dress in tunics, according to the Word of God, we reject all pagan ways like Christmas and Easter and we cling to ONLY the biblical church ways that Jesus ordained through Paul and the other apostles. We believe and will practice only holy, orderly controlled OPEN gatherings (mostly in homes or out doors) where all born again obedient men can bring what God gives them to share. No ONE man is in control but multiple men shall over see (elders) not lord over others. My wife and I travel to preach the Word full time as van dwellers spreading the Lord's truth and kingdom.

We travel full time to preach the gospel and we fund ourselves. We will NOT sell any of God's truth or take donations! 


If you have experienced divorce in your pre Christ past, take heart and know that even God has been divorced. We have experienced this in our past and we want to be a ray of hope as we cling close to the scriptures. We also encourage you to NOT look backwards at your past; but ahead to the washing / newness Christ brings. It does not matter if "before Christ" there was adultery or not in your past marriage situation. What matters is have you been washed new in Him and are you looking forward? 

Jesus said looking back make you unfit for heaven. Luke 9:62 

God divorced Israel for your adultery! (later he divorced Judah as well)

And I saw, when for all the causes whereby backsliding Israel committed adultery I had put her away, and given her a bill of divorce; yet her treacherous sister Judah feared not, but went and played the harlot also. Jer 3:8

Also did you know that God told the Israelites to divorce their pagan wives in Ezra?

Did you know God was allowing Moses to give out divorce papers as well? 

Did you know Jesus gives a exception clause for divorce?

Yet there are men that will tell you God NEVER ever allows divorce under any circumstance. This is a lie!

There is a lot of false teaching out there today just as Jesus said it would be (Matthew 24) It not only comes from those who are blatantly easy to recognize, it also comes in the form of what people think Christianity should look like via the anabaptist type/kingdom people today. 

The anabaptist/kingdom types have fallen victim to following 16th century men and a denomination; NOT scripture for their truth. 

 Denominational religious groups and most of the Mennonite, Amish, German Baptist, Kingdom (etc) groups all have various false teachings (they follow early church teachings) in their theology including a corrupt gospel ad heretical divorce/remarriage theology.  

See links exposing them at the end of this post.

Note: even some of the early anabaptists ( like Menno ) and early church fathers agreed on a persons past being washed away after Christ.  

 One very dangerous teaching they hold to is that if a person was divorced prior to becoming a new creation in Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 5;17), they teach that sin is not forgiven by God and a person must never marry anyone after conversion. AND if they have, they are to divorce that person and some say, go back to the prior person in marriage. 

Note: In the OT, God called it sin for a man to leave a wife and ever marry his previous wife, once she remarried. 

They even go so far to rip apart godly families and it is shameful!

I do not want to be in their shoes when they stand before God. Sadly they deny the NEW creation life that Christ died for as they shame people to go back into their sinful past over pre conversion divorce/remarriage. 

*They are trampling the blood of Christ who set me FREE from my wicked past!!!!

In this they and many other kingdom groups are also hypocritical as they hold marriage is a life long bond that cannot be broken for ANY reason. But as we will show you, that is a lie or how else did God become divorced, why did God order it in Ezra or why did God ever allow divorce as He did with Moses? ( these same groups rightly reject "once saved always saved" because they say you can break your agreement/covenant with God for salvation yet they say a marriage ...which is a covenant... that can NEVER be broken )

Yes these same groups will say you CAN break your salvation covenant with God and be lost but ... you CANNOT break a marriage covenant ever!!! 

This is hypocrictical and they cannot have it both ways!
 Note: our stance is just as the Word instructs, we are against divorce if both parties are believers unless it be for fornication (Matthew 5:32).  The other situation would be if an unbelieving couple married and one became a believer (born from above John 3:3) and the unbelieving spouse was not pleased to dwell with them and divorced them, they are not under bondage as per 1 Corinthians 7. 

Jesus in his teaching on divorce was speaking to the believing Jews following God.  This particular article is for those who have had divorce PRIOR to being a born again believer and made a new creation in Christ. 

We know Jesus condemned divorce.... except for adultery.
(Jesus mentioned the word divorce 4 times) 

So often they ignore what the rest of the Word says on this topic as it does NOT support them! 
Let's look at Apostle Paul / 1 Corinthians 7:8-11 and see if he addresses anyone who has been divorced prior to conversion. Note: Corinth was a cess pool of seuxal sin so divorced people/polygomists were surely part of the NT body there.
8 I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, it is good for them if they abide even as I. 
9 But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn. 
10 And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband: 
11 But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife. 
The greek word for 'unmarried' is: 
agamos and it means 'unmarried'. Not married.  In some cased, not married anymore.
  That means the person is not currently married. It does not mean 'never married' because let's look at verse 11. Paul just finishes instructing these born again believers that they are to stay married and the wife is not to depart from her husband…. 
11 But if she depart, let her remain unmarried (agamos) 
In today's language that would mean 'divorced'.
So verse 11 says if a woman who is married, (remember he's speaking to the born again believers) departs from her husband, let her remain 'unmarried/agamos' or be reconciled to her husband. So if a married woman departs from her husband, she is now agamos/unmarried/divorced.  
Didn't Paul just address the unmarried prior to that in verse 8. He said 'to the unmarried/agamos'...that would mean people who are not currently married and could have in their unregenerate state departed from their spouse, or been departed from. 
So let's look at all these verses together. 
8 I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, it is good for them if they abide even as I. 
He is instructing the unmarried (those who could have been previously divorced) and widows that it's best not to marry. 
9 But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn. 
He gives those who are unmarried/agamos/divorced permission to marry. 

10 And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband: 
11 But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried (agamos/divorced) or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife. 

He tells the born again believing wives and husbands not to depart or put the other away. 
So if it is a sin for a person who was divorced (put away or departed from) to remarry after conversion, then the theology of the plain people teaches that Paul (who was inspired by the Holy Spirit) is a liar. 

Note: they teach marriage is ALWAYS for life but that cannot be true as we showed God was divorced and even Jesus told the woman she had 5 husbands. How can this be if you can not have multiple marriages in a lifetime? Did Jesus lie? Not at all!

But back to the point here:
It is a dangerous theology to teach people that if they have divorce in their past and they become born from above (John 3:3) that they must leave the spouse they are with whether it was a spouse before the conversion or after. 

 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. (2 Corinthians 5:17) 


Hebrews 8 and Hebrews 10 tells us that He remembers our sins no more. 

So if a woman was divorced prior to conversion and a man marries her, he is not marrying a divorced woman, he is marrying a 'new creation' as in 2 Corinthians 5:17

God and Moses dealt with divorce as did Jesus and Paul. The truth is that it is not the unforgivable sin these groups have made it based on the situation of course, as we have explained. 

Note: After Jesus/Paul taught on divorce, there is no indication that people of that day then began to divorce there current husband or wife to go back to a past one. Imagine the turmoil. At 1 pm Tuesday, Jews could divorce and remarry per Moses law. Then at 2 pm that same day Jesus says, NO; so they all ran to divorce their current partners? No, it was not so! 

This is a man made false way so do not be deceived by it. These groups look past MANY sins but they hone in on divorce and remarriage like a pack of vultures as it is their pet doctrine as Pharisee's of the day!  

Do not be deceived by them!

Here is a article on some divorce and remarriage facts:

See this testing of the ministry called Marriage Permanence

See some of these groups/en exposed for their other false ways:

Elliott Nesch

Mennonites are unbiblical

See Sattler College tested to God's Word here:

See Followers of the Way ( Boston ) Tested to God's Word here:

  If you are serious about discussing the truth, please contact us as we have much more scripture to go over and would be happy to have an in-depth bible study with you. 

See our biblical resources below... 


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