Should Christians use Social Media…Facebook?

In this world of technology there are many dangers for Christians to be aware of, Facebook being just one.  There are numerous areas of social media but we pick Facebook because it seems to be the most popular and widely used with people of all ages.

Technology can be a wonderful tool, we use it for our ministry and business websites, but it can also bring much sin into a believers life if they are not very careful and disciplined.

How can Facebook (FB) be a danger to a believer?  One issue is time.  God’s Word says to redeem the time for the days are evil (Ephesians 5) and being on FB can be very similar to flipping through the television stations by scrolling and scrolling and scrolling and scrolling through all the photos and videos that are posted on people’s timelines.  It’s pleasing to the flesh to sit back, relax and see the pictures, read what people posted, watch a few videos and before you know it, if you were to add up the time spend scrolling through FB 10 minutes here, 20 there….you could easily burn up hours a day that could be better spend doing something to further the kingdom of God and working with your hands around your home.  Included in that are the sinful things flashing before your eyes, (even in seemingly innocent pages) not much different than a television right?  But somehow it is justified because it’s Facebook and “I just flip past those vile things' just like flipping through a tv and going past the vile images already imparted into your eyes and thoughts into your mind?  Oftentimes these FB posts are of little or no value to the Kingdom of God, so why even spend your time on it or give satan the opportunity to put wicked images / thoughts before you?

Psalm 101:3 I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me.

Some say, “Well it’s no different than going through the world, you see and hear that sort of stuff, what’s the difference?” Yes, we have to walk through this world and it is necessary to be there. Yes, there will be vile images,ungodly conversations (and more) all around us as we go about our business. The difference is that are to look away from and not listen to, nor participate in the ungodly things in the world but we all know FB is filled with such things and since believers ‘choose’ to go there when they have no need to, they must want to see it?  The other option is not to go there and you won’t see it. 

Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin. (James 4:17) 
Facebook can be a dangerous place bringing up people from your past, or making the rounds of checking up on friends, family etc… rather like watching a soap opera in a way, somewhat like tv again. 

And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God. (Luke 9:62)  Believers would do well to leave the past behind them and that means the people in it who are not walking in truth with them.

There can be some good from FB if it is carefully used.  We have a business page and a ministry page but it is a bulletin board, a place that we use to run our business.  We also use the buy / sell forums for our business and to find homstead items (like going into a store). We don’t have ‘friends’, we have a follow button for people who want to see  what we are doing in our business so it shows up on their wall.

FB can easily vex a person…And delivered just Lot, vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked: (For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds.) (2 Peter 2:8)

With careful use it is possible to use Facebook in a godly way and avoid wasting time or bringing all the sin of the world in front of you.