We were on our 2017 Summer mission trip out west and we came across some men holding a tent revival in Cody Wy and we learned they are from the unbiblical Missionary Baptist denomination.
These are the men/teachers holding the tent revival:
Matthew Clark
Kyle Reid
Jay Snoddy
We have tested this religious system and they are NOT biblical so we must speak out in love.
Go to this 10 point test that exposes them and their false man made ways:
In more detail... this man made denomination has a incomplete gospel, does pagan holidays, uses false ways like the modern pastor role and they teach Sunday is the NEW Sabbath. They are worldly and carnal as they do not teach men to come out of the worlds ways ( tv sports entertainment) and they are feminized as they do not teach ladies to dress biblically and head cover. Much sin is present here...
Go this link to listen to a john424 audio teaching on this man made denomination:
(use control F and search for Missionary Baptist)
As a example of how false these places are:
These Missionary Baptist teachers came over to talk to us as we stood with our gospel sing in the park. Sadly all three of them got angry when I shared why we cannot unite with them. They are not biblical men and they ignored the Word of God even as they try to put on a unbiblical man made system of revival and alter calls. Note: their tent has been empty except for them. Some points about my talk with them:
*they do not know or teach a full gospel message
*this denomination just came along in the 1800's ( 1800 years AFTER Jesus est His true body )
*they do not know God's Word very well
*they get angry very easy ( just at the reading of God's Word that exposes their errors )
*they are full of Baptist PRIDE ( pride is sinful )
*Matt walked away from God's Word being read ... Jay was plain mean spirited/full of Baptist pride and Kyle tried to contend in the Word but does not know it fully and he too walked away from its truth this day.
*they practice man made religion but do NOT Keep all of God's NT Word and ways
*they even lie as Kyle told me to my face...he does not do Christmas then we saw him in a photo by a pagan Christmas tree and everyone saying merry Christmas to him. ( truth is not in them )
This is another sad example of ritual religion that LACKS the full truth ....
Please be warned of them!!
Here is a Biblical gospel:
Most ministries today are worldly and keep/practice mans false (even pagan) ways vs God's true New Testament body.
Here is a 10 point biblical test:
Go to our teaching blog for MANY articles on biblical truth:
Go here for audio teachings:
His true people follow Him in spirit and truth (John 4:24) NOT.... man made false ways or today's denominational religion.
God be praised.
* This testing is based on facts as we compare them to God's Word through our own study and research as well as personal experiences, and observations. It is done in truth and in Christian love as a Proverbs 9:8 rebuke, teaching and learning moment for us all. Only those who would foolishly dislike a biblical rebuke will be offended by it. This is posted to glorify God, lift up the Lord the Jesus Christ, to help others out of man's traditions and expose the errors of modern religious leaders so they will come to repentance, leave man's false ways and begin to proclaim ALL biblical truth!