Visions, God's Cloud and Visit's From Jesus Church of Wells Exposed

In a continuing series to warn people of the strange and unbiblical theology happening at this religious body in Wells Texas, we now present their visions, God's cloud showing up in their building and visits from Jesus Himself as more evidence this is a unbiblical signs and wonders cult and not a biblical body. 

Note: we have tested them for years, we visited their town and spoke to their deacon in Feb 2018, we have audios and written proof so we know these facts are true!
(Their elders Sean, Ryan and Jake hid and are still hiding from my questions to date? )

Here are some facts:

1) Sean Morris their elder has documented in his own words in audios and writing that he has had personal visits from Jesus Christ. 

2) Rick Trudeau their elder who we spoke to face to face, admits he has had visits from Jesus Christ Himself in the past. Rick also claims he is POSSESSED by the Holy Spirit ( strange indeed!!! ) 

3) Sean Morris has written about strange visions of death and bloody massacres then calling himself....their pastor and martyr.

4) We have a long detailed email from Morris to their other cult group in Australia discussing the cloud ( God's glory cloud? ) Sean felt the glory of God shining with such heat and strength, he almost wanted to shield his eyes. (his words)

5) The children at COW tell of being afraid of what appears there, and some of the children were so affected by it, they were throwing themselves down to the ground.   

All of this is further evidence these elders and people are off following strange spirits and signs; much like the occult NAR Bill Johnson Bethel people in California. 
see them tested here:

God does NOT appear in man's temples made by hands any longer and Jesus is NOT appearing and speaking to men today, as He went to be at the Fathers right hand.  

In the email, Morris also talks about how they hope to use text messages to let the others know when God's cloud appears in the secret place of their religious building, so they can all run to be there and see it! In all of this, they have negated Christ and are running back to the Old testament ways of God appearing in a temple and they are acting as special priests. It is all deception and not in the truth of God's Word for today. 

Jesus warned in Matthew 24 about those who will be false teachers and He warned of this:

Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
Behold, I have told you before. Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.

*** It is reported by them, they have a secret area or website for their members only. What is going on there one would ask?

Do not be deceived by these men or secret ways of false groups. They are seeking signs and wonders not the full truth (to their own destruction) and taking souls with them. Their own deacon Rick and member Rudy Weigand both told me they do not operate in the dark and secrecy but they BOTH went off into the dark? Their fruit has been made known. 

God's truth is NOT on their side. See them tested here with our article and video series as well on them. Note: we are adding to it all the time....

See our resources below to help you in the biblical faith.

God be praised


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