Mennonites Loved Hitler

If you want to see the amazing power deception and spiritual blindness at play in religious people; look not further then the WWII Mennonites in Germany. They actually supported and work for Hilter in WWII with some even going to fight for him in the war. 

Here is a letter that proves it all....
To Chancellor Adolf Hitler, Berlin:
The Conference of East and West Prussian Mennonites, assembled today in Tiegenhagen, Free State of Danzig, feels deep gratitude for the powerful revival that God has given our nation through your energy, and promises joyful cooperation in the upbuilding of our Fatherland through the power of the Gospel, faithful to the motto of our forefathers: No other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid which is Jesus Christ.”[6] (Emphasis and italics mine.)
I’m sure Hitler didn’t take time to answer every telegram that he received, but this one he replied to personally:
For your loyalty and your readiness to cooperate in the upbuilding of the German nation, expressed in your letter to me, I express my sincere thanks. —Adolf Hitler
This is so very sad but it does not surprise me all that much. All the anabaptist types that we have witness to show they are spiritually dead per their fruit and it appears this was also so back in the 1930's as well. This is the result of following man made traditions vs clinging close to the Word of God.

Please do not let this happen to you!

Here is a link that will show you the various unbiblical ways about the Mennonites:

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God be praised


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