Church covenants are NOT biblical

Recently a group we have suspected of being cultish for years went full blown cult like by using a power play and handing out and asking each person in the pews to sign this contract to attend there. 

( Living Faith Christian Felllowship in Brookfield, Mo / Mark Bullen is this body. You can read all about that false body at the link at the end of this article )

Apostle Paul told us to "keep the traditions he handed down" in 2 thess 2:15.

The idea of a local church covenant document is NO WHERE to be found in God's Word so it is a man made invention. I cannot even share any scripture with you regarding using them as it does NOT exist in Christ's first century body, period!

"Church covenants change a persons allegiance from God to man"

You see it is safe to pledge your allegiance to God as His Word NEVER changes. But man and his corrupt religious systems are always changing. Only a fool would give his allegiance to men over God!

Most often these covenants are about pledging your allegiance to the leaders, their rules and the vision of the body but again, that is NOT found anywhere in the Word or early NT body. It is really a power play to get you to give them more authority over you, intimidate you in a lording over fashion and it is sinful. They are to lead by examples, not by seeking power of a contract!!!

Jesus said this about lording over:

 But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them. But it shall not be so among you: but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister; And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant:
Matthew 20 

Jesus also said to not swear a oath

But I say unto you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God's throne:
35 Nor by the earth; for it is his footstool: neither by Jerusalem; for it is the city of the great King.
36 Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one hair white or black.
37 But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.
Matthew 5

Moving on; I can tell you that by understanding a covenant and who it is through we can see the twisted / wrong idea of using them in a NT body and then reject it per God's Word. 


First, a covenant is an agreement between two or more parties

The Greek word is diathÄ“kÄ“ as used in Matt 26 

It means ( testament or covenant)  a agreement, compact or contract between parties

Jesus gave us a NEW covenant in Matthew 26:28
For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.

 We have examples in the bible of various covenants:

God with Noah Gen 9:11
God with Abraham Gen 17:2-4
God with Israel Exodus 20 and 34 ( the old covenant )
God with David Psalm 8:3-4
Jeremiah 31 and the NEW covenant to come via Christ

Scripture also teaches we are His branches John 15, His living stones 1 Peter 2 and His sheep/ He is our shepherd John 10.

While the NT body indeed plays a role in all of this, as a result it is to and through God/Christ we gain this covenant/hope of eternal life to come, NOT through the NT body.

What you see in all of these is the covenant is ALWAYS between God and man; NOT ever "man to man" as it is in a local church covenant agreement. 

This is important......... so take note here! 

Our NEW covenant with God came by God / Christ to man. It did not come to man... through a man or pastor / bishop.

Another way to understand this is to see how twisted modern pastors and so called bishops have this today. They have it completely backwards.

God did it this way in scripture:
God gave man a NEW covenant by which we then can gather together as His body. Our covenant is to God first then we have fellowship in a NT body due to that covenant.

Modern pastors/bishops are trying to do it this way in churches:
Bishops give a covenant agreement to man, they say so you can be united with God through the fellowship. They want you to have a covenant with man ( them ) to please and then reach God. 

Like satan, they have added to and twisted God's truth for their ill gain! ( satan quoted God's Word in Genesis 3 and on the mountain temptation to Christ ) 

Yes, the body I spoke of ( Living Faith Christian Fellowship Brookfield, Mo / mark Bullen ) actually teaches you have to be in a local body united/obeying a lone ruling bishop to even have salvation and it is plain heresy!! 

It is TOTALLY backwards from God's plan, scripture and the NT examples we see so please reject it out right!! Only deceived, un-discerning and delusional men, would sign such a agreement. 

Note: I even have reports that the bishop I spoke of is having "minor children" sign the document thus stepping between dad and his children........ which is VERY sinful!

Another point to note is that we ALREADY have all the NEW covenant instructions we need with each other in the pages of the NT word. We are told to one another each other over 50 times in the NT word. See this article on that:

In truth, these man made covenants are corrupt documents that leave God's design for His body and install perverted man made added ways that Jesus said....... make void your worship of God. 
Mark 7:6-9 

 Our covenant is with and to God via Christ, then we can have fellowship in the true NT body. 

Do not be deceived by power hungry men who desire to lord over and control people when we are to be lead by the spirit ( Romans 8:1 ) and live under the NEW covenant in freedom with God. Not freedom to be lawless, no.... but freedom from mans twisted rules and ways to follow Christ in holiness, spirit and truth via John 4:24

We have the GREATEST covenant ever. As Hebrews says a NEW and better covenant singed with Christ's blood!!!!

Do NOT EVER sign a church covenant contract and then I advise you to test your body to see if they are biblical and you will be surprised at what you will find?? 
See a biblical 10 point test here to help you:

See a sad example of that corrupt church with their contract here ( that drove families out of this body.... ) 

Let us know how we can help you?

God be praised!

Here is the biblical gospel:
Here is a 10 point biblical test:
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