Food is something we have to deal with every day in order to live so we are doing an article to help discern decisions about food, for the follower of Christ.
In America, where we are, there is about every choice of food you can think of, so believers here need to be mindful of what they eat and how tempted they are with all the choices. Some countries may have less options which could pose problems trying to eat healthy but no matter where a follower of Christ lives, the should make the best choice possible to feed their temple.
What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? 1 Corinthians 6:19
If our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit then we should take care of it in all ways including what we eat to nourish it. But in saying that we need to warn believers not to get swept away so as to take your eyes off Christ because food can become an idol.
We will address a few areas we see that would be beneficial to keep in mind when choosing foods.
* Food Laws:
In the Garden of Eden there was no sin, therefore neither was there eating of meats (no killing). But after the fall (into sin) we see God commanding Noah that animals were given for meat.
Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things. Genesis 9:3
Later God gives commands to the Israelites to abstain from various foods (Leviticus 11) to set them apart for Him ( to be holy ) yet in the New Testament we see Christ has fulfilled the law and therefore the Jews nor gentiles were not subject to the Old Testament food laws any longer. See Romans 14.
Many get caught up in special plans, vegan or vegetarian diets and go to the far extremes. While others do not even consider any wisdom in their food choices. Both are food ditches we should avoid for Gods glory and our own good! Today we have liberty to either eat meat or abstain from it keeping in mind that each believer may do what they choose to do unto Christ. This is an area of liberty each believer must decide for him or herself and we should honor that in each other!
(Some people say that we should go back to the beginning like it was in the garden and only eat vegetables, well then we should all be naked because that was all before sin entered the world.)
There are a couple laws about food that we do see for the New Testament believer:
Abstain from meats that have been strangled, blood (both in acts 15) and gluttony (Proverbs 23:2 and more)
Believers, knowing basic nutrition info, should choose to eat healthy, nourishing foods for their body. God created fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, seeds, herbs, meats, fish etc. These are all healthy but yet when man gets involved he invariably messes things up, and the foods we have today that should be healthy can contain pesticides, chemicals, hormones, gmo and such so what is a believer to do? Make the wisest choice in each circumstance and then move on. We should not get wrapped up in the foodie war going on where you cannot even eat an apple because it's on the 'dirty dozen' list of pesticides, or refusing to eat anything that isn't labeled 'organic'. (Which by the way, we lived in an area in Wisconsin known for organic growing and we know for a fact that it is not totally organic, think about that.)
We used to have a homestead with a huge garden, raised our own meat, eggs, herbs etc but since going on the road for ministry we now have to make wise choices each day for each situation we are in without stressing about what man has done to it.
Many people live in great fear over food but we are to ONLY fear the Lord, any other fear becomes of our flesh or the enemy. Becoming obsessed with foods and trying to eat everything perfectly is a ploy from men (to make money) and satan (to distract / distress you) because your time, energy and money will be spent more on what to eat than feeding yourself in the Word of God. We born again saints are to be about Gods Word and work most of all. God is sovereign and can overcome all that is in this world and we believers should simply do the best we can given the choices we have.
Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.Colossians 3:2
Believers need to be mindful of the money they spend on food. Some people may have more money to spend on organic foods whereas another family may be very limited in funds and not able to purchase such luxury. God will honor each household if all is done in wisdom and in thanks unto Him.
Be careful to avoid the financial pitfalls of spending too much or too little, for example:
We know people who choose to eat such a restricted diet that requires a tremendous amount of money each month, so much that they have nothing stored up to help a brother in need. This can happen by shopping only organic, strictly eating expensive fruits and vegetables, high cost supplements etc...
but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need.
Ephesians 4:28
On the other hand there are those who buy nothing but the absolute cheapest foods (which normally are processed and unhealthy) and they are not in good health and this is not wise. Balance is needed in this area as with many topics in the Christian life.
A believer needs to have a balance in their choices, meaning there may be times they spend more money on healthier options and then there might be times where they cut back and make do with a less desirable option, but our Father is greater than this world and He can sustain us so let us not waste too much time worrying about what we will eat:
Meats for the belly, and the belly for meats: but God shall destroy both it and them. Now the body is not for fornication, but for the Lord; and the Lord for the body (1 Corinthians 6)
Many people (esp in America) get caught up eating too much food, its called gluttony and that is sinful as well. Here is a article on that topic:
On the other hand people become so obsessed with health and being skinny that their mindset is always on hunger, discipline, certain foods etc. being self centered and off the things of Christ.
Our focus should be on Christ, not too much focus on food and what we eat daily except that which is used the best wisdom possible to your situation. Keep it simple, make the best choice and move on to what's more important; loving God and your neighbor, the two greatest commands! Understand the issue with food and move on.
We will add a brief section here about sweets and fast food.
Those are choices each household must make for themselves. As we stated before, balance is needed in all these areas, this one included. There is nothing sinful about making a cake or cookies, or having hamburger from a fast food place but balance is needed and wise choices should be used.
Jesus said these words that should help us put food in its proper perspective:
Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.
Matthew 15:11
Let's not focus on food and simply make good choices each day as we have them and not stress out about it. There's a billion dollar industry focused on food and fitness, designed to take believers eyes off Christ, let's not get involved in that trap.
God be praised.
See all of our biblical resources below......
Many get caught up in special plans, vegan or vegetarian diets and go to the far extremes. While others do not even consider any wisdom in their food choices. Both are food ditches we should avoid for Gods glory and our own good! Today we have liberty to either eat meat or abstain from it keeping in mind that each believer may do what they choose to do unto Christ. This is an area of liberty each believer must decide for him or herself and we should honor that in each other!
(Some people say that we should go back to the beginning like it was in the garden and only eat vegetables, well then we should all be naked because that was all before sin entered the world.)
There are a couple laws about food that we do see for the New Testament believer:
Abstain from meats that have been strangled, blood (both in acts 15) and gluttony (Proverbs 23:2 and more)
* Wisdom in Choices
Believers, knowing basic nutrition info, should choose to eat healthy, nourishing foods for their body. God created fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, seeds, herbs, meats, fish etc. These are all healthy but yet when man gets involved he invariably messes things up, and the foods we have today that should be healthy can contain pesticides, chemicals, hormones, gmo and such so what is a believer to do? Make the wisest choice in each circumstance and then move on. We should not get wrapped up in the foodie war going on where you cannot even eat an apple because it's on the 'dirty dozen' list of pesticides, or refusing to eat anything that isn't labeled 'organic'. (Which by the way, we lived in an area in Wisconsin known for organic growing and we know for a fact that it is not totally organic, think about that.)
We used to have a homestead with a huge garden, raised our own meat, eggs, herbs etc but since going on the road for ministry we now have to make wise choices each day for each situation we are in without stressing about what man has done to it.
Many people live in great fear over food but we are to ONLY fear the Lord, any other fear becomes of our flesh or the enemy. Becoming obsessed with foods and trying to eat everything perfectly is a ploy from men (to make money) and satan (to distract / distress you) because your time, energy and money will be spent more on what to eat than feeding yourself in the Word of God. We born again saints are to be about Gods Word and work most of all. God is sovereign and can overcome all that is in this world and we believers should simply do the best we can given the choices we have.
Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.Colossians 3:2
Be careful to avoid the financial pitfalls of spending too much or too little, for example:
We know people who choose to eat such a restricted diet that requires a tremendous amount of money each month, so much that they have nothing stored up to help a brother in need. This can happen by shopping only organic, strictly eating expensive fruits and vegetables, high cost supplements etc...
but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need.
Ephesians 4:28
On the other hand there are those who buy nothing but the absolute cheapest foods (which normally are processed and unhealthy) and they are not in good health and this is not wise. Balance is needed in this area as with many topics in the Christian life.
* Balance
Meats for the belly, and the belly for meats: but God shall destroy both it and them. Now the body is not for fornication, but for the Lord; and the Lord for the body (1 Corinthians 6)
Many people (esp in America) get caught up eating too much food, its called gluttony and that is sinful as well. Here is a article on that topic:
On the other hand people become so obsessed with health and being skinny that their mindset is always on hunger, discipline, certain foods etc. being self centered and off the things of Christ.
Our focus should be on Christ, not too much focus on food and what we eat daily except that which is used the best wisdom possible to your situation. Keep it simple, make the best choice and move on to what's more important; loving God and your neighbor, the two greatest commands! Understand the issue with food and move on.
We will add a brief section here about sweets and fast food.
Those are choices each household must make for themselves. As we stated before, balance is needed in all these areas, this one included. There is nothing sinful about making a cake or cookies, or having hamburger from a fast food place but balance is needed and wise choices should be used.
Jesus said these words that should help us put food in its proper perspective:
Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.
Matthew 15:11
Let's not focus on food and simply make good choices each day as we have them and not stress out about it. There's a billion dollar industry focused on food and fitness, designed to take believers eyes off Christ, let's not get involved in that trap.
God be praised.
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