Tiny Notes from Home Email Defender Refuted

Sometime back I did a testing on a unbiblical ministry called Tiny Note from Home run by Brackin Kirkland. See that testing here:


The following is a email I got from a Brackin supporter and I thought my answer back would be a teaching moment for us all:

See Bobs words in Black and my answers in blue....


My wife and I have been enjoying and have been greatly edified in the Lord by the ministry of Brackin and Lindsay Kirkland (Tiny Notes from Home). So, we were deeply grieved when we viewed your YouTube video critique of them and their ministry. It seemed very harsh, legalistic, and nit-picky. 

Thanks for the email and I am happy to retest my results about Brackin to be accurate. I did that and you are lacking as I will show below. I am sorry your knowledge of God's Word is so lacking that you think having a false gospel and NOT preaching the gospel all and promoting heretics ( Brackins sinful issues )  is nit picky. I pray you go deeper in God's Word. 

Note: go to our teaching blog for detailed articles on all of the topics touched on below: http://spiritandtruthdiscernment.blogspot.com/

But, not wanting to prejudge you, I went to your website (dontperish.com) and prayerfully read through some of it, including your lengthy article on the Kirklands. Sadly, I am still grieved by your attack on those precious fellow believers. 

We are told to test all things 1 Thess 5:21 so it is a testing NOT an attack Bob. Please read your bible. They tested Paul in Acts 17.

Please allow me to point out a few specifics. Some of your critique is just plain dishonest.

Actually that is a lie Bob as I will show and God hates lies. Prov 6 

For example, you falsely accuse Lindsay, in her video “Follow your heart? Watch this FIRST!” of “teaching others and in error telling their followers.... God is only concerned about the heart not their outsides... but that is a lie.” Jim, did you not notice the question mark in the title of the video? The whole point of the video, which Lindsay plainly states, is that, although “[God] is more concerned about what’s on the inside than what people are doing on the outside – how things look or appear” (which is Scriptural – cf. Mat 23:26), we should not follow our hearts. She even asks her son if we should follow our hearts and he doesn’t hesitate to say “No.” When she asks him why not, he quotes Prov 4:23. In fact, the video is full of Bible references supporting Lindsay’s point that we need to be very careful about what’s in our hearts and we should not follow our hearts. And the video, which you apparently did not watch very carefully if at all, was full of Scriptures supporting what she was sharing. Then, you condemn Brackin for leaving Lindsay on her own to make the video, and you condemn Lindsay for usurping Brackin’s authority. Apparently, it has not occurred to you that every one of their videos is edited and produced by Brackin, not Lindsay, and if she does or says anything that Brackin does not approve, it will not be published. Also, one of the videos that Lindsay made and Brackin edited and produced is a beautiful, Scriptural testimony about what it means for her to be in submission to him. So, your false accusations continue.

Again Bob your wrong here:
Lindsey did say "God is not concerned about the the outside" around minute 4:00 .... that is a unbiblical statement as He will judge our deeds not just our hearts. Romans 2:6

And... Lindsey, unbiblical as she is, should NOT be teaching others. 
Please read your bible Bob.... and Brackin is in sin here!

 You also state that it is unscriptural for a woman to teach men or even to speak in public.
Bob you lie... I teach it is unbiblical for a lady to teach in the body, to ask questions openly (except to her husband) and to ever teach or lead believing men. Please check your facts sir.....

But you ignore the context of that prohibition by the apostle Paul (1 Cor 14:33-35) and attempt to apply it in a legalistic way in all situations, including making videos. And that context was Paul attempting to bring order to the Corinthian church, which, in exercising their spiritual gifts, the members were totally out of control. It is obvious that Paul telling the women in the Corinthian church to keep quiet was him addressing a specific situation – 

Bob, you need to study more....Paul says:
Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law.

And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church. 1 Cor 14
This is clearly for all churches..... as 1 Cor 1 states the letter is for everyone in all places that call on Christ. 
Keep studying Bob.....

the meetings of the congregation where everyone, including the women, were exercising their spiritual gifts, including speaking in tongues, in an unruly manner. So, the women were not allowing the leaders of the congregation to maintain control of the meeting. It also seems that Paul’s admonition for the women to keep silent in that situation does not apply to every situation because, in that same epistle (1 Cor 11:5), he mentions women praying and prophesying without reference to whether it is in public or private.

Silent means NO teaching the men in the body or asking questions Bob ..... ( they can sing and pray of course ) 1 cor 11 is covered in and outside of a gathering..... 1 Cor 14 is inside the body. 

 Finally, as noted above, there is no indication in any of their videos, that Lindsay is “on her own,” being unruly, or is usurping Brackin’s authority in any way. 

Bob again your in grave error!
Paul instructed NO lady teachers 1 Tim 2 and for the ladies to be quiet in 1 Cor 14 in a gathering. That was NOT cultural and it is for today just as the Lords Supper is for today from 1 Cor 11. 
Again... unbiblical Lindsey should NOT be teaching.
Please read your bible Bob....and Brackin is in sin here!

Another unscriptural legalism that you attempt to impose on Brackin and Lindsay is to prohibit the use of instruments in ministering through their music. I am particularly sensitive to and have done a lot of prayerful study concerning this subject because I grew up in a legalistic “Christian” cult that prohibited instrumental music in the meetings of the congregation (although they inconsistently allowed it in worship music at home and other places). The flaw in that rule is prohibiting what the Bible does not prohibit, which inevitably leads to inconsistency and hypocrisy. 

Instrumental music is fleshly and we teach to avoid it all together. I am sorry you grew up in a unbiblical hypocritical body Bob, it is showing frankly.

That is exactly what the Pharisees did with all their rules and regulations. Nowhere does Scripture state that instruments should not be used in worship. In fact, God’s people Israel were actually commanded and exhorted to use instruments in their worship of Him (Ps 98:5), and they did (2 Chro 5:13). A favorite verse of Scripture that you use to condemn the use of musical instruments is Eph 5:19 – “…speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord…” – stating that we are to make “melody” (more correctly translated “music”) in our hearts rather than on instruments. But again, that is just Spirit-quenching legalism, because that verse does not state that we are not to also make music on musical instruments, does it? 

We are to imitate Paul and Jesus 1 cor 11.1 / they did not use instruments Bob. 

Again, you have mutilated the context of the verse which is not even addressing the issue of using musical instruments; it is exhortation to use psalms, hymns and spiritual songs in our worship, and making music from (the correct translation) rather than in our hearts. (“Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks”). Basically, what you are doing is quenching the Spirit in attempting to prohibit Brackin and Lindsay from using the gifts and talents the Lord has given them to worship Him and minister to other believers. And you are the one who will be judged if you continue to do that. 

Bob your in grave error here as well! See instruments were NEVER used in the NT body and it was the roman catholic pagans that brought them in 800 years later. To use them is ADDING to God's design for the NT body. That is sinful..... 
And Bracking and Lindsey can use their voices to sing to God but in context is was to each other and unto God as a part of a spiritual gathering NOT recorded and mixed and tweaked and edited and SOLD as entertainment... that makes their music FAKE and unbiblical! Paul said keep the traditions he handed down 2 Thess 2:15... instruments was NOT one of them! ( they were OT not NT )  Brackin is in sin here!

Another Pharisaical thing you do is to accuse Brackin and Lindsay of guilt by association – condemning them for associating with “sinners.” We can dig into just about any person’s beliefs and practices and find fault with him, but, if he claims to be a believer, does that mean that we should not approve the things he is doing right or have nothing to do with him? That’s exactly what Jesus rebuked His disciples for trying to do (Luke 9:49). I have seen no indication in their videos that Brackin and Lindsay are teaching false doctrines or practices. So why condemn them for associating with those who you think do? How do you know that, by their loving example, the Kirklands are not leading those who are in error to the Truth. 

Bob have you not read Romans 16:17 ? Were are NOT to associate with those who claim to be of Christ who teach heresy let alone promote them to others as Brackin does! You seem clueless to bible truth Bob. Please repent and study more please!
and Brackin is in sin here.

You also condemn Brackin and Lindsay for not being more evangelistic. Sadly, you even attack their young son for giving a hand-drawn card that simply says, “God loves you,” to an old homeless man because it says nothing about repentance and other things involved in sharing the Gospel. How petty and judgmental is that?! 

You lie again Bob... I never mentioned their son. Stop LYING!

Haven’t you read that we believers are known by our love, not by our hell-fire and brimstone preaching? Yes, Jesus preached, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand,” but what was it that attracted the crowds to Him so that He could tell them what to do to be saved? Wasn’t it His love, compassion, and ministry to their practical needs? And how do you know that the boy’s gesture of love and testimony of the love of God to the old man did not result in sharing the whole Gospel of salvation to him (if he wasn’t already saved)? 
I actually sent a message to Brackin, asking him why they didn’t mention repentance and forgiveness as necessary for salvation more in their videos, and he replied that, although in a few of their videos they do mention repentance, and repentance and forgiveness are central themes of focus in their home, the primary focus of the Tiny Notes from Home ministry is not evangelism, but ministering to Christian families. 

Bob.. it is sad and telling that in this whole email you ignored the false gospel message or a NON existent one Brackin has. Giving someone food and saying God loves you is NOT the gospel to eternal life. ( Brackin has a false gospel ) Have you missed the facts that videos/movies are fake and lies with people ACTING. ( their hypocrites study on that will you? ) 
And since when do we stop preaching the gospel to Christians? Paul NEVER stopped preaching Christ crucified and Brackin DOES NOT preach it at all! Where in the NT bible is traveling music ministry ever exampled ... chapter and verse please Bob?? Brackin is in sin here!

Finally, you condemn Brackin for being lazy (not wanting to get a “real job”), greedy, and profiting off the Gospel. Nothing could be further from the truth. If you have seen any of their videos about managing their finances, home, and resources, you know that he and Lindsay are amazingly frugal and good stewards of what the Lord has given them. They are also always sharing what they have with others and teaching their boys to do the same. Their whole focus is on serving God and others. Every spare dollar or hour of time they have goes into ministering to others, not indulging themselves. Before they were receiving enough money through the ministry to support themselves, Brackin was a full-time handyman. And, when finances are tight, he still does handyman work so his family can get by. Plus, he frequently does handyman work for those who can’t afford to pay him. The “tiny house” in which Brackin family was living when they started Tiny Notes from Home was converted by him from a 10’ X 40’ empty shed. Then, for a year, the couple was on the road with their five boys in an old 27’ camper – also refurbished by Brackin. He also frequently works himself to exhaustion taking care of his family, ministering to others, and composing, editing, and publishing videos. That’s not exactly a cushy, self-indulgent lifestyle, is it? As far as selling their CDs and asking for donations, where does Scripture condemn that? In fact, when the apostles were in full-time ministry in Jerusalem (Acts 2:42; 6:4), who supported them? And didn’t Paul write, “For Scripture says, ‘Do not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain,’ and ‘The worker deserves his wages.’" How is the Kirklands being paid for their CDs (which cost money to produce and distribute) or receiving donations any different from any preacher being supported for his ministry? What the Bible condemns is not ministers being supported by the ones to whom they minister, but being paid exorbitantly – “fleecing the flock.” That is not what Brackin and Lindsay are doing. They actually live on about $1,000 per month, which is amazingly frugal for a family of seven. 

Bob your so far out of context here. Several things expose your email as unbiblial and frankly foolish at this point: 
1) Brackin is a money moocher and NOT in a biblical ministry at all so Paul's example does not not apply. The NT saints traveled preached the gospel... Brackin travels and sells fake ( remixed )  music to entertain!
2) Selling anything of God was NEVER done and Jesus hated it / In John 2 ... He made a whip.
Brackin is in sin here

In conclusion, Jim, it seems that your accusing Brackin and Lindsay Kirkland of being Pharisees is just a hypocritical projection of your own character onto them. I pray that you will repent before you are judged for the very thing of which you judge them. 
Bob  “You have been weighed [on your own scales] and found wanting” (Daniel 5:27)

Actually Bob your attempt at a biblical correction has failed as your not in the truth, your ignoring a faulty gospel and the promoting of heretics and various unbiblical ways. 
Jesus and Apostle Paul would rebuke both Brackin and you so in love, you both best take note of that! 

1 Tim 5:20
Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.

God be praised


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