Testicles, Genitals and Head Coverings???

I am dumbfounded that I have to do this post but I must do it for the matter of the truth! The title may have blown you away ( it did me ) so let me explain. We at dontperish.com teach the biblical need for a lady to physically cover her head with a veil. It is clearly taught in 1 Cor 11 and here is our article that teaches it right form God's Word.


There have been many feminist attempts to alter God's Word by saying a covering was only cultural or it is her hair or even it is her husband but NONE fit what God's Word says clearly, to cover with a veil!

Recently, I had a modern pastor ( a false teacher really named Benjamin Blankenship / Benchmark Church Oliver Springs, Tn. / a testing of him to be added here soon ) tell me he believes a woman does not need to head cover and the reason he gave was plain old crazy! He said some college professor ( Troy W Martin / St. Xavier University  ) claims the culture back then believed that sperm was stored in the brain & soaked up into a woman's hair and the ONLY reason Paul told them to cover was basically her hair was like a mans testicles, it was her genitals and so they must be covered. But today; since we know hair does not soak up sperm, there is no need to cover your head. 

I am NOT making this up folks!

Without going into the many details and terrible / wacky bible study habits / twisting of Greek words that Martin took to get this finding; let me say I believe he is teaching in great error / plain heresy and here is why. 

1) He claims the Greek word per-ib-ol'-ah-yon; ( 1 Cor 11 verse 15 ) can be used for a mans private parts and he gives some non biblical examples. But the word in context clearly means:
neuter of a presumed derivative of G4016; something thrown around one, i.e. a mantle, veil:—covering, vesture.

( other people have called out Martins ill translation here as well )

Worse yet!

2) By saying people once believed that sperm was in hair and so hair was a genital part, really means that God's inspired Holy Word was WRONG when Paul said to cover your head. Martin wants you to believe that God did not know the truth about the human body that He created.....back in the first century. 

This is heresy and it MUST be rejected! 

This idea makes NO sense and God's word teaches NO such thing!

As long as there is bad liberal corrupt bible teachers and feminist men / women who will stop at nothing to deny and even alter God's Eternal Word buying into such horrible theology, this will just keep happening. We must be on guard!

Please study God's for yourself and do it NOT by proving what you want to believe but seek the truth that lies in its pages. If you do that; God will reveal to you the truth and in this case; it is head covering for ladies. In the end, it is a veil, it is for today and it is a blessing indeed to obey THE mighty God we serve!

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