Bike Riding Heretic Exposed

We were out in Wyoming Aug 2019 working for the Lord and I met a man riding across the country from Maine on a pedal bike. He claimed to be a man of God so we talked for about 30 minutes. The sad result of our talk and going to scripture was the following :

1) he denied Jesus was fully God
2) he denied the bible is God's Word
3) he trashed Apostle Paul as invalid
4) he misquoted scripture
5) he told of strange spiritual / mystical experiences
6) he denied that satan is real

He rejected my loving correction ( without using of knowing God's Word ) and still tried to call me brother. I told him you are NO brother of mine and sent him on his way!

All proof positive that he is NO man of the True Living God but a deceiver of a god of his own making. 

Test the spirits always....

Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

1 John 4:1

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God be praised