In John 8:32 Jesus said:
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
Freedom is a wonderful thing!
I teach about three key freedoms:
1 ) being born again 2) being debt free and 3 ) being free from the worlds ways. See this article on that topic:…/3-freedoms-……/3-freedoms-…
Today finally marks a day of our "official freedom".
Let me explain.
We have been planning for 7 years ( we were already born in Christ about 5 years ) to get debt free and to be free from the worlds ways and massive material things that consume your time and attention. We want to travel more full time and preach the gospel to this lost nation.
Or plan was to start a small biz so we can set our own schedule, sell excess properties, things we do not need anymore and aligned our needs with our ability to live really simple ( we van camp on the road ) so we can labor less for money/bills and be available for more of the Lords work. Those final steps have fallen in place just recently and our freedom is upon us.
We are so thankful to God for allowing us to be free to go and be His workers. It takes a lot of flesh killing but we really love this simple free life for Christ!
ps we do still have a simple off grid homestead in central Missouri that is the Lords. We are happy to say that saints can use it to help them on their way to freedom too.
If your born of God, you should have the desire to be free ( debt free and free from worldly jobs and systems ) even if your not called to travel to preach as I am. Freedom will allow you to be a better servant of God and focus on things above. Col 3:2
It has not been a easy road to this freedom. No, it took discipline, drive, determination, dirty hands often but most of all the Lords hand and truth. I would encourage you to make a plan and start your march to freedom today, it is worth whatever it costs you as our God is the purpose of it all.
Are you fully FREE today?
Send me a email and let me know if you need any help/encouragement at all?
Get ready for much more in the way of dontperish audios, teachings, experiences on the road because we are free and we will be all over the USA preaching the biblical gospel and making disciples.
We are excited to see what God has in store for us!
God be praised
Jim n Debbie
Here is the biblical gospel:
Here is a 10 point biblical test:
Spirit and Truth Teaching Blog
Go here for audio teachings
Go here for video's: