The Lord has been so good to us of late as we travel to preach the gospel truth to this lost & false religious nation of America as full time evangelist's. Just in the last few days I have proclaimed gospel truth to:
*thousands as they walk by on busy streets
* a Canadian man biking by me
* a trout fisherman
*a man/lady from Finland visiting here
*a car load of Chinese sight seers
* a roman catholic man
* a man who does not fear God
* a "just married" mennonite couple
*a man with a huge hat and a heart of God
*a man and wife who have some VERY bad theology on race
*a whole evangelical religious body keeping sinful doctrines
That is just a few of them .....
I tell these stories NOT to brag, no.... but to encourage those who see our website that God's truth and His people are out there doing the work and you are NOT alone of you know and love Him/His truth. Hold fast... Christ is on the way!!!
God has His people (7000?? ) that have NOT bent a knee to this fallen world and false man made ritual religion.
Strive on saints and down the gospel road we go.
You can listen many witnessing audios here:
I am adding news ones all the time for teaching and encouragement of the saints.....
God be praised
Let me know how I can help you / see our resources below?
God be praised
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