Church of Christ Man Refuted in Love

We were out street preaching Nov 2019 and a older man followed us to our van and then began to grill me about God's truth. I like being tested but sadly he was NOT defending scripture but his false man made religious system called Church of Christ. Here are links to help you in truth:

The true gospel

Some points of interest about him:

*He was in a tourist area entertaining himself for hours but; he had less then 12 minutes to talk of God's truth with me before he walked away mad. He did not labor to save my soul. He does not love us in John 13 love does he?

*He was trying to tell me how to preach when he was there enjoying the entertainment and we were there preaching God's Word. What hypocrisy in COC people and we see that often!

*He tried to say the bible says remember the first day of the week?
( that is a lie as, it says that no where at all! ) 

*He tried to say water baptism saves you/makes you born again and that is a lie, though we teach it to be obedient to Christ ) 

Watch the video then see a article below that I did years ago on why this is a false heretical system of man.   ( they teach water baptism makes you born again and is a MUST for salvation / it is heresy! ) 

See the COC exposed here with video and audio as we preached peacefully outside of it in March 2024:

We pray he and they repent of false man made doctrines.....


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God be praised