Heretic Place Visited and Perfect Timing Witnessing

Go to this link to see a famous false teacher / demonic movement place exposed. We were near it and stooped by just to expose it. 

Lakeland Revival / Todd Bentley Exposed



We drove into a new town in Florida and went inside a fast food place to get a coffee and to update our ministry website. Not 30 minutes later, as usually happens, a man saw my bible and our gospel signs on the van and he came right over. We had a great talk that covered the following:

*baptism in Jesus name only or not?
*God is 1 in 3 or just one?
*the gospel to eternal life
*living holy via obedience
*studying the Word vs reading it 
*men leading/teaching and ladies being submissive
*biblical dress 

and more....

He told me the sad but hopeful story of him leaving his wife for another lady after much strife in their marriage, only to come back then try to work it out. He moved across country to make it all work with her. 
He has some HUGE trials ahead of him but, I encouraged him to count the cost / go deep to follow and by Jesus no matter the cost. He got our website info. 

I am here for him ...if he ever needs help and encouragement. 
God showed up with perfect timing as usual!!!!

We love to be used of God.....


See our resources below that will help you in the biblical faith.

God be praised

Here is the biblical gospel:
Here is a 10 point biblical test:
Spirit and Truth Teaching Blog
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