One Flat Tire and Two on A Bench

Sister Debbie was busy cleaning up the van after along drive we took to check out a potential witnessing place, so I took a walk.

I did not go far and saw a man with a flat tire. I walked over to see if he needed help but he was almost done. We had a great talk about the local area, van life that his friend also does, the unusual HOT weather, places to park and he even told me about the local fishing for his dinner in the ocean (with pictures of his big catch)  At the end, I offered him a gospel card and he received gladly and thanked me. It was a blessing......

That same day we took our morning walk and we had the choice to go left or right and I said, lets go right. We did not walk another 5 minutes and two men on a bench saw my walking staff and commented how they liked it. I stopped and we had a great conversation about faith in Christ for 20 minutes. One man was Jewish and we discussed how far American Christianity is from the truth of God. I preached the gospel to them and gave them gospel cards and invited them to my website. I loving challenged them to go even deeper in the Word and truth as fruit they are of God. We talked about that they saw us ( dressed not like the culture ) and that made them think we may be followers of..... Messiah!
They thanked me and we all agreed it was God appointed as both them and us were just talking about God's truth..... when met! 

God uses us even if we are just out walking around and I really believe that is because we are walking in the spirit ( Romans 8:1 ) not in the flesh. Plus we are always ready and looking for the chance to proclaim Him.  We are just seed planters and it is God that will grow it to a harvest. 

We are thankfully to be used in such small ways and it is why we GO!

Down the gospel road we go....


See our resources below that will help you in the biblical faith.

God be praised

Here is the biblical gospel:
Here is a 10 point biblical test:
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