Tools for Street Preaching

My name is Tupos (from ) and I go with my wife and street preach full time all over America. We live in our camper van ( totally self funded ) and preach the biblical gospel to the lost.

Since venturing into this area of ministry called street preaching, it has been very rewarding and also very challenging. In this article, I want to offer tips of what I have learned for godly men who want to venture into this demanding area of ministry and I pray this edifies you.

The following is a tool list with pictures of some of the things of this trade that I have found that are a must for biblical/effective/safe street preaching....


1) Have a gospel card to hand out with a biblical place for people to go to be trained up in the faith. 

Here is my gospel card I made up:

2) Gospel signs are a great way to reach many people as you preach. I like to keep them simple and send then to my teaching website that proclaims the gospel and a godly biblical life.

3) A small go pro "like" video (body cam) camera is a huge safety tool. I got mine for $50 ( cheaper version ) and it clips to my back pack strap.

4) A good small back pack is a great tool. ( $12.00) Use it to hold vital things like: water, tracts, snacks, throat drops, tissues, a light coat whatever you need based on your day out preaching.  I also use the straps in the front to attach my body cam.

 5) A small voice amplifier can aid in saving your voice and reach people further away from your preaching area. I found this one to be very good at $80 (I do not recommend the big blasting mega phones as they are annoying.)

6) A small thumb drive recorder is a great tool for getting audios in the streets. $20 

7)  good walking shoes are a must as your on your feet all day

Those are just some of the basics and I will add to this list as I find new tools and good ideas......

The most important part is making sure you are born of God, yourself, preaching full truth, living it daily in obedience and walking in the Spirit as well. ( you cant do this in the flesh )

This link gives you street preaching basic's that will help you in this challenging ministry: 

Here is some links to my street preaching videos:


See our resources below that will help you in the biblical faith.

God be praised