Witnessing To a Ex Muslim Couple

I had the amazing joy to preach the gospel to a very kind older man Arif and his precious wife who were ex-muslims and interested in learning about Jesus the Messiah.

We had just come to a new town and were working on the ministry online. He came over to talk to me and we had a great conversation. He was so kind, asked me questions and both of them sat as I talked to them how to gain eternal life in Jesus Christ. He left saying he would look into all I told him and perhaps he would contact me again.

We rejoice so!!!

We NEVER know what we will encounter in a new town. Sometimes it is safety, or peace or danger and trials. We meet angry people, police and even threats. But sometimes it is the joy of meeting some hungry seekers of the King. We get to play a small part of His work by being at the right place at the right time! 

This is why we sold most all we have to GO and travel daily and be about His work of the Kingdom. While so FEW seek Him, we know there are dear sheep out here to be found and encouraged, even as we battle the wolves all around us daily.  

I explained to them how you must repent and born of God's spirit.
How about you folks? Are you born of Him or just Sunday ritual religion? ( see the gospel below ) 

Thank you Lord for your faithfulness.

Pray for Arif and his wife and we are here to help them....


See our resources below that will help you in the biblical faith.

God be praised.
Here is the biblical gospel:
Here is a 10 point biblical test:
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