Beggars and Seekers 2020 Witnessing Experiences

Some of our latest street witnessing experiences (all in one day) in Feb 2020. We do this to edify to body of Christ:

I saw this beggar and to be honest, I did NOT want to go witness to him today. Nope, as I have had lots of experiences with mean / lazy scammers in this very town. But I said ok Lord, I will go and I did. The man was indeed mean spirited as I gave him a small food packet with the gospel in it. He claimed he was a preacher too and he scolded me for using a printed gospel card as he said Jesus never had one! Imagine that, as he sits with a card board sign BEGGING for money as he is too lazy to work! ( he also had a 5 gallon bucket with a pad to sit on / Jesus did not have that either did He? )  I lovingly rebuked him as he showed no John 13 love as all he wanted was money. It is so typical of these scammers and I left him but this story gets good.....  

As I was crossing the street away from him, a man was in his car asking the beggar about "van life" thinking our van was the beggars. The beggar said; go talk to him and pointed him to me. The man came over to me and we talked van life but most of it was him asking about Christ and eternal life. The timing was perfect and if I did not go to that beggar, that I did not want to go it, I would not have met David who was listening to the truth of God and was very encouraged. Thank you thank you Lord for your guidance....

I was later approached by a man who wanted money for gas. I do not give out cash so I preached the gospel to him and I was able to help him out to get going. He thanked me several times and I pointed him to repenting and seeking Jesus Christ. 

Sister Debbie and I met a lady who started asking us bible questions. Sister gave her a gospel card and explained what we do in love. I then asked her to have her husband contact us. She wasn't happy about that so she asked about baptism and he named a false word of faith teacher. I again pointed her to her husband to call me and she left without even taking the card. So common of feminists today who want to lead, seek false ways and usurp authority, just like Eve in the garden. 


Lastly, I got the chance to speak lots of truth into a younger man for over a hour after he approached me and sat down. It was very uplifting indeed and you can hear an audio about it here:

Let the truth go out..... 


See our resources below that will help you in the biblical faith.

God be praised