The latest Scripture Twister Award goes to.....pastor Greg Locke.
that a woman can teach in the body IF she does not usurp the authority to do so as she cant usurp authority from men per Paul. Since Greg gives his newly married second wife ( he just recently 2018/2019 got divorced from first wife and married his church secretary ) that authority to teach; it is ok per Mr Locke.
Well in love, in my opinion Mr Locke is incorrect/ a false teacher on this as the he fails to tell you that Paul also said ladies are to be SILENT in the body and to NOT TEACH men. 1 Cor 4 / 1 Tim 2
This article explains it all and straightens out Locke's feminized scripture twisting to warn others in love.
See Mr Locke exposed here for many false ways:
Repent Mr Locke.... repent; lest you perish in your sins!
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