Street Witnessing at Sarasota Farm Market and Art Show

The Lord allowed us to go and lift up his name in the streets again on a beautiful Saturday in Florida / Feb 2020 

We started at a Farmers Market were thousands rolled past us and then we walked down to a Art Show where thousands more strolled past to hear the gospel truth. 

We will have some more video's up at our street witnessing page soon:

Here are just some highlights of the day:

*a few walked by, confessed to be believers and encouraged us
*a nice officer contacted me and asked to just keep my volume down and I did
*a interested lady stood, listened took a gospel card and smiled at us as we offered to help you in the faith. 
*one man was angry and stood behind me videoing / using the F-word over and over and over 
*another man yelled at me for telling the crowd about Christ's blood and said that was for in church only
* another man asked to take a photo near and and another asked to video tape my preaching
*another group at the Art show called the police. All was well and the police showed us a better place to stand and I did willingly
*a angry Art Show man took a road cone and screamed at me thru it ( he mocked God )
*the police officer allowed him to do it and then the cop said "the man felt threatened". Yes he CLAIMED I said if you buy art work you go to hell. ( I really said ... that the art and worlds things will all burn one day and if you trust in it without Christ, you are hell bound. Oh how they lie!!! )
*another feminist lady wanted to talk to us and I asked her to contact us later with her husband as I was preaching. She was not happy with that and her husband started to mock and say God is love and acceptance. I told him loving God is keeping His commands 1 John 5:3 and they just walked away. 
*you could see the Art Show people were plotting to get us somehow so we moved to another near by corner to thwart them and it worked.
*another man late in the day thanked me and took our card.  

I have noticed this:

The world is never happy with God's truth going out but they will condone some of it, at times. It is when I hammer hard on the shed blood of Jesus Christ and how they trample it that you can almost feel the spiritual attack start and satan with his demons rise up. People living in sin and being guided by satan, they HATE it when you invoke Christ's blood. It that time, all we can do is get behind God's truth, trust in His spirit and allow Him to sustain us through it all so we can live on to GO and preach another day.

Go here to see some videos of that days preaching and other past street preaching video's:

Glory to God, He is faithful!

See our resources below that will help you in the biblical faith.

God be praised