Thousands of Souls or Just The One?

As we travel full time and I preach the gospel to many thousands of people all over America, one thing always amazes me. I can preach before a large event like the Super Bowl yesterday with over 60,0000 people there....

most who mock and could care less about the Lord's truth. 

 I can walk down the street and meet just "one man" to witness to that ends up being a very meaningful event, that we never planned at all! 

Here is a picture of one such man named Jose. 

Sister Debbie and I took a morning walk after a long day of witnessing at the 2020 Super Bowl in Miami. As we approached a work zone, a man came out with a stop sign for a large truck. He smiled, waved and we took a picture of him. As we walked back his way, I gave him and his co worker a gospel card. I told him I would use the picture of him on my website and he seemed to like that. Then as we traveled that day; Jose actually messaged me on FB and was excited to see this post. He shared info about himself and told me that he loves the Lord. What a nice event and we hope our website is a blessing to him and his family. 

The point here is that sometimes you can stand before many thousands of people hoping to preach to them with Christ's truth; but the guy you meet buying coffee when you least expect it, is the man who responds the best. 

This means there are No excuses men to not be used of God right where you are today! But you must be trained in the Word, living a holy life and ready to be used or you cannot glorify God.  

Ask yourself:
Do you know and are you living/preaching the biblical gospel that alone ill change men's lives?

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God be praised


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God be praised