Corona Virus, Human Suffering and Pre Tribulation Lies

As the Corona scare goes on with NO end of sight, I wanted to quickly touch on an important future subject. 

Many evangelical Christians are banking on this topic, but to their great demise. As I see the virus event rising, I realize how fragile mankind really is and the suffering that will come at the hands of pestilences and evil men. We see it in the past and it will be greatly magnified in the future! If the bible is true (and it is indeed!) there is going to be GREAT suffering on earth with most of the earth's population killed off before Jesus returns in the clouds. Not a pretty picture so you need to be ready spiritually to ENDURE in the faith even to death, just as Jesus taught in Matt 10 and Matt 24

The lie of a PRE - TRIBULATION rapture was conceived several centuries ago by a false man named Darby. He taught that a pre trib rapture was coming to save all the Christians from tribulation / suffering. He promised that God would spare them from suffering in the great tribulation and it is nothing but a LIE! He developed a theology of Jesus coming and "taking up the saints in a secret rapture" and then again Jesus returns at the end of tribulation. Sounds warm and cozy but the problem is, Holy scripture teaches NO such thing

Both Apostle Paul and Jesus tell us when He is coming back and it is at the END of the great tribulation. 1 Cor 15 / Matt 24  
I have articles here that walk you through the bibles truth vs these false teachers of today. Do not be deceived by them!

Some facts / myths and observations about this pre trib event that has caused all the confusion, mostly via their false theology:

1) The idea of a pre trib rapture in history about Darby's time in the late 1800's. 

2) The unbiblical Left Behind book series by heretic Tim LaHaye made it main stream and helped spread the lies all over the globe. 

3) God always had His true saints go through persecution / trials and tribulation unto death for His glory and display of power! 
Tell the Prophets and Apostles/disciples that God will always rapture out His true saints. They all died and were tortured for the faith. So why do evangelicals think they are special to get out of the earth before it gets really heated and the anti-christ hunting them down?

4) Saints will NOT suffer God's wrath on earth, no. We will suffer satan's wrath on earth ( he makes war with the saints Rev 13:7 )  then God judges the world then Christ returns. Scripture is clear on that read it for yourself. 

5) I think pre trib is satan's plan and ploy to have people NOT ready to endure unto death for Christ. Most will fold when they think they missed a secret rapture. How clever of our evil adversary and he knows most are not born of God, so it is a sad situation to come!

If you study it all out, you will see there is no pre trib rapture coming for you. All born again saints will go through the tribulation with many dying as martyr's for the faith and name of Christ. Many will no doubt turn away and be lost by taking the beasts mark to just survive. see Rev 13 / 14 

** Here is a common death machine we may have to face in the tribulation. Are you ready to lose this life for Christ?

I think it is fitting and good we suffer and die if need be. See Jesus died for us to secure our eternal home so why can't we suffer and die to go be with Him? As you ponder the corona scare and where the world is going, stop thinking you are getting a free ticket out of tribulation that is coming. That is just feeding your carnal side and self preservation. We cannot stop what is coming, men, nor are we told to fight against it. But we can be ready to face it boldly and be strong in the faith; not be lukewarm Rev 21:8 cowards who will NOT see heaven due to fear! 

I am here to help you get going and be ready biblically!
(click follow by email on our teaching blog, if you need daily encouragement from the saints.)

Heb 3:13-14 
 But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.  For we are made partakers of Christ, if we hold the beginning of our confidence stedfast unto the end;

Repent, be born again by His spirit and be ready for the suffering death and His return to come. The Word of God has warned us for 2000 years so please know, you will have NO excuse to not be ready! God's Word is true and these false pastors and book sellers telling you that you will get a rapture out ahead of time, they are just hirelings and workers of satan!

See the gospel below and follow Christ in spirit/truth, unto your death! Do not fear a virus, No, fear the One True Holy Living God!!!!

2 Thess 1
And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power;


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God be praised