Corona Virus ....Thoughts to Consider

                                            (corona virus)

Romans 12:12 - Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer

March 2020

This is a time of great stress (and for most it is major fear) over a global pandemic virus. I wanted to put down some "so called" facts, real facts to ponder and help us get perspective. I will also list some possibilities of the days ahead? I know that we would be wise to NOT fully trust the media or government facts as they are all of satan's world.  Perhaps by pondering it all; we can better gain wisdom/understanding for the tough times ahead: 

* Corona means "crown" as this virus is shaped like a crown
*instead of fear, wisdom and good common sense should rule esp in God's people ( do not sneeze openly, wash hands often, do not touch your face a lot, stay inside if sick, have some food on hand etc )
*it is a new strain of a flu like virus but viruses are not new at all
*various strains of virus have been around for centuries and they are seemingly growing in number/strains. Why?
*In the early 1900's, they say 50 million died from a Spanish flu
*corona has killed 5400 people globally
*the common flu in general kills 600,000 people each year
* abortion has killed 63 million in America alone since 1973
*corona kills the older / sick mostly / 65 and above
*they claim these strains of illness are jumping from animals to humans causing much havoc ( chickens / cattle /pigs ) 
*many are blaming the unhealthy cramped factory meat productions for viruses ( it is a ungodly way to raise and treat animals for sure )
*media / governments are SAYING this corona virus started in Wuhan China and it comes from eating animals infected at markets. (they eat bats, snakes, weasels and all kinds of strange wild critters in China )
*there is in fact a bio research plant that experiments with bio warfare right there in Wuhan China ( they are denying corona came from there )
* a Dean Koontz novel written in the 1980's first claimed a virus would come out of Russia in 2020 / it was later changed "by a editor" to Wuhan China in the 1990's as they knew they had a bio warfare plant there.
*many governments have been making bio germ warfare for decades and attacks, mishaps or experimenting on people has been proven many times
*countries are closing down businesses, festivals, schools, all sports and any large gatherings to try and stop corona from spreading. 
*the roman catholic church closed all masses in Italy for the first time ever as the nation was on shut down! 
*corona symptoms range from a cough, a headache, to fever, to breathing issues much like a common cold or flu.
*governments claim to want to stop people from congregating to stop its spread
*churches all over the world are stopping Sunday services 
*it is affecting business, stock markets and global production/sales to the point some say it COULD be a total economic collapse
*it is not the virus most fear but the "affects of it" all on the globe

As a street preacher / bible teacher, I cannot help but see what is happening globally, all the fear and ask some important; maybes looking ahead????

*could we be entering the last days with the "pestilences" ( diseases ) Jesus warned of in Matthew 24?
*could this be a man made virus let go on the people for ill reasons?
*could this be a way to warm people to martial law?
*could this be a way to start interment camps ?
*could this be used to train people to submit to governments for their "so called" own good? 
*could this help usher in a cashless world as they say money carries the germs?
*could this be another way to drive everyone to look to MEDIA/government for its lone truth?
*could this help usher in the mark of the beast system (mandatory immunizations) to globally control people?
*could it be a experiment to destroy economies and take control?
*do the evil population control people desire to kill of the elderly with viruses?
*will this help usher in a global unity ( one world system ) for the anti-christ to come?
*will this cause all world religions to come together?

Now I know people will laugh and say; oh you conspiracy theory people are crazy! I am not a conspiracy man but; the truth is SOME conspiracy ideas are very crazy for sure. But also it is a fact some end up being very very true. I remember my dad ( born in 1924 ) telling me how they laughed at the old timers when he was young. These old men said, there was a Italian family running crime in America. He said they made jokes till; it was proven true and today; it is called the Italian mafia.  

I also need to remind you that talk of world control, evil internment camps, murderous extermination efforts and bio germ warfare are not only possible; they all already happened in various countries esp in Germany during both world war  I & II. 
( many millions died then and one evil man almost took over the globe in Adolf Hitler ) 

Today I am just basing my "possibilities" on what the bible says will come in the last days and it all seems to be lining up. I will be writing more on this in the days ahead but for now; we know that per the bible:

*watch Israel and today it is the hot bed of the word / it is where Jesus returns to / See Zech 14  
* a great tribulation will come will no other / Matthew 24
*diseases, earthquakes, deception, false teachers and chaos will be a sign / Matt 24  
*many many millions will die on earth / see Revelation 
*evil anti-christ will rule the earth with violence / see Revelation 
*God will judge the evil world with plagues / See Revelation
*Jesus will return at the end to stop it all and receive His true people / see Matthew 24 

While this virus is a terrible thing, people are & more will die and the globe is in great chaos; it is a good time to be wise / ponder it all. Most importantly ponder your own stance with the Lord and test yourself to see if you are really born of God or not? 

Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?
2 Cor 13:5

Here is a audio I did on the corona virus issue to strengthen / edify you all:

See the gospel below to eternal life and let me know how I can help you in the faith?

The days are dark and getting more evil.

 Repent and obey the gospel!


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God be praised