Full Time or Part Time ... Van Dwelling

This page will point you to a biblical van dwelling life via the gospel to eternal life: https://www.dontperish.com/the-gospel.html  

Here is a link of our daily van dwelling posts: https://spiritandtruthdiscernment.blogspot.com/2019/12/van-dwellers-preaching-christ-2020.html

The van dwelling life can be viewed differently by different people with varied goals. You have a decision to make:

Ask yourself will you be a part time or full time dweller?

1) Some go into van life for a short time to pay down debt and then they go back to an average American life of living in a apartment or home.

2) Others choose a more radical life change and sell off (or store) their things and go full time into van life and many never look back! 

Your van dwelling life will be decided by your own goals and needs. Again, knowing that freedom and flexibility are real key advantages to the van life, you can mold it to fit your life needs and so it is an attractive life to those called to it. 

Some go into van life because they "have to" due to poor finances/debt. We "chose" to go into it for the purpose of serving God full time, preaching the gospel and using the resources He gave us to the best advantage for His kingdom thus reducing the material STUFF of this fleeting life! 

It is true that you could start out part time and see if it works for you but getting the basic needed items to be in van life do have a cost to them. If you're not sure we would recommend that you first rent or borrow a vehicle /van and take some short trips to see if it is for you and see if you want to mold yourself into it. You could go and sleep in your car (it will stretch you) to see if it is really for you. 

Part time van life will help you save on hotels and such for short travels but the real advantages of van dwelling are found in full time life in your van. Only then you can leave the old life and all of its vanity behind you for God's glory.      

Many people have jumped into it full time by selling everything and just making it work one way or another.  

Go back to our van dwelling page of you want to go on and learn more about this awesome life:


See our resources below that will help you in the biblical faith.

God be praised