Shelter, Food and Water

As followers of Jesus Christ, we felt the need to start this page to help encourage believers to be prepared in the evil days ahead of this world.  If you live in a big city apartment or in a rural setting on some land, there are things you can and should do for wisdom to be prepared in the days we live in.

Here are some helpful links for you:

     This page will point you to the gospel to eternal life: ( hundreds of biblical articles to train you up )

This link gives tips on van dwelling life
Here is a link of our daily van dwelling posts: 


#2 Shelter, Food and Water ( Basics ) 

*All homestead life starts with some kind of a shelter as a basic need. It can be a apartment, a car, van, rv, cabin or a house in the country. You need to secure a safe shelter that is yours to count on. I suggest one that you pay for outright and do not have to make loan payments monthly. But if you must rent/make a mortgage payment for now, so be it till you can work to change that. 
( remember the 3 freedoms article? )  Some people down size and buy a van or rv and live that way. Others buy a small lot of land and build a tiny cabin over time. We built our 250 square foot off grid tiny house with a huge porch and a shop for under $5000

Or you can turn a vehicle into a house as we did with our camper 1996 Ford van ( About $5000 invested total there ) See our van dwelling tips page for info on that:

You make a plan and do what you can do from where you are to where you want to be! Most important is secure a safe shelter that you can keep, own or pay for no matter the times is the real goal and it will add stability to your homestead life. It needs to have living and sleeping needs for those with you. You do not need a lot of room. Think small and be creative! I do suggest over time that you get out of big city areas as it is harder and more dangerous there when things go bad. But if God has called you there, then stay indeed! We will add to this topic as we go.  Think small and frugal in this life and you will go far with little! 

*Food is something all humans need daily so once you have a shelter you are wise to make a plan to have some food stored up. Buy and store what you normally eat. ( many make the mistake of buying what they do not eat ) We suggest you change your diet to cook and eat simple/cheap then buy and store simple foods like rice, beans, flour, dehydrated items, dry milk, pasta, oil, peanut butter, granola bars, oatmeal, sugar, jerky, canned goods etc etc. It is wise to have many months of food on your shelf and if you eat simple; it is not that costly to do it if you plan for it. ( stop eating out and take that money to stock up )  Store bulk foods in 5 gallon buckets or totes in a dark dry area. Eventually we will get into food more including growing/gathering some of your own food. We will be adding food ideas in the days ahead....

You will not survive long without water ( like 3 days ) so you MUST have a water plan. If you rely on city water, have some stored up in your homestead in bottles, 1 gallon or 5 gallon jugs. If you move to the country, a private well is a awesome goal to shoot for. If you van dwell; make a plan to have it stored on board and find a place to get water as you need it. I recommend everyone have a small "water filter" so you can in a emergency filter and drink lake/river water. (you can always boil it too if need be) You can plan to catch rain water as it is not that hard to do. Do not be caught without water ( for drinking and bathing ) when your power goes out. Have some stored up and learn to use it very sparingly!! More to come on this topic as we go....

These are critical first steps to be a prepared homesteader. 
You are on your way now make your plan and work the plan daily! 

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God be praised


Here is the biblical gospel:
Here is a 10 point biblical test:
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