Cheap and Easy Van Window Screens

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#28 Cheap and Easy Van Window Screens 

As we van travel it is awesome to be able to roll windows down and get air flow. Of course you always have the pesky bugs to deal with so I came up with a quick and easy way to make van window screens.

1) buy yourself a roll of fabric window screen
2) cut it out to match the outside of your window you want to cover. *Make sure you leave enough material to cover the cars metal all the way around like 1-2 inches
3) get yourself some good strong magnets and use them to hold the screen in place

Boom, that quick you have custom van screens!


You can open the door and roll the window up and down with them on too. You could even leave them on as you drive I guess, but I don't. I fold them up ready to use next time!

  More van dwelling tips to come soon!!!!

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God be praised