Corona Virus and Bill HR 6666

May 2020 

80,000 deaths in America
280,000 deaths globally

 *still not even close to the number of deaths daily around the globe from many other diseases and abortion / about 160,000 deaths per day! 

Note: can we even trust their death count as who really died of what as many have asked and questioned?


The corona virus issue is moving on into its second month in America. I have been watching it closely and the things I am seeing are amazing for sure. The nation and world seems to be buying right into the hype and lies. I also find it amazing we have 80,000 deaths while countries like China and Russia have only 4600 and 1800 deaths? Was this all aimed at the USA to harm it, break its dollar, bring it down to the level that the New World Order use to over take it?  

The USA is about to start opening up (they cannot hold people back for too long) there is still a lot of fear being used to control the masses and alter life/freedoms. It is easy to see it you know God's Word what is happening in the world and at a fast pace too. 

Just like the hoax of the global warming issue, this so called pandemic is being used to further the cause of those who desire to take control and power over the entire globe. (new world order) 
The media/government has convinced people to stay home, not go to work, shutter economies, wear masks and remain 6 feet away from others. It is the old adage, divide and conquer it seems!
Now the authorities want more testing and they are talking about having everyone get tested/certified as to being covid safe to be able to move about with freedom. 
How will they do this?
Massive governmental control and loss of humans freedoms, that is how! 

See this new bill ( May 1, 2020 ) that was just introduced into congress that is going to use $100 billion dollars to do mobile in home testing. It will give the authorities the power to hire staff, makes rules and to do testing in homes. They will have the power to remove children / adults into quarantine for their so called good. This is a vast over reach of power and taking away of rights on a massive scale. It is the powers that be usurping authority and rights, at will. 

People are so afraid of the virus (per the media blasting them with it constantly) that they will give up much... just to feel safe. Its like the elephant that runs off the cliff, to avoid a lil mouse it really fears. 

If you know anything about the bible and its predictions of the future (book of Revelation) that is what is coming in the world. 

Note: We cannot know what is the mark of the best for sure but; we see many signs.

Interestingly enough, just look at the number of the bill:


The bible speaks of a number system of 666 in the last days that controls people. This bill is about taking control.....

This bill is called TRACE:
Testing reaching and contacting everyone

I believe they are using the corona virus scare as a type of hyped up false flag to cause everyone to buy right into their evil plot to further enslave the globe before the anti-christ rises up. 

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Revelation 13

NOTE: I cannot tell you this is the anti christ system today for sure, no!
But it indeed looks like a archetype / forerunner making its way on the scene. 
Jesus warned us of the signs in Matthew 24 .... go read it and see how late it is!

Do not let these men or the media fool you. As they shutter economies and keep people at home to "save lives", 300 million people in third world countries will die.... over starvation due to corona lock down..... and they know it! 
How can you trust such men?

Knowing Bill Gates is spending billions on vaccines/micro chipping technology and The World Health organization ( the UN's group ) wants to micro chip and vaccinate everyone globally to track and monitor them, it sure makes the pages of God's Word come alive! Did you know Bill Gates companies have patented various corona virus strains in the recent past? 

This is a massive scam being pulled off and most are blind to it all.  Please read my other corona virus article that warns you here:

While I do watch this virus play out, my eyes are set on Christ as He is my hope and I am joyful! 

How about you? 

Are you born again and serving Him in holiness with the looking for His return? Are you ready to suffer and be persecuted for His name, even unto death? Or are you set to be deceived and taken in by the evil that is coming fast? 

The days are growing in evil folks.

Please repent, be born a new and obey the gospel today as it is your only chance for the future. 

See that path to eternal life below:


See our resources below that will help you in the biblical faith.

God be praised

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