Live Traps on the Homestead

Tip #9

Here is a good idea for all you homesteaders.....
You will want to have several of these on the homestead:

Many people use them to safely catch troublesome varmints and some people even eat what they catch, not me but in a survival  situation you can eat what you catch indeed.  

Look what brother Jim caught the other day....

It is a momma opossum, you can see her little babies if you look close about 6 of them and they live in a pouch she has. So very cute and God's amazing creation!

I had a critter making some trouble around the tiny house so I set some traps. This was NOT the one I wanted as a big coon is the real trouble maker. (he gets in everything) Opossums are very good to have around as they eat snakes, mice, ticks and all kinds of bugs and spiders. She got released to go do her thing with her babies. If I catch that big coon, he will get put down with my .22 rifle. They do lots of damage to gardens and they will make a mess if they can get inside your shop or storage areas. Also just relocating them a mile or so, often means they just come back. If you have a lot of them its best to take some of them out!    

Note; they can be hard to catch as they often wont go in a box trap as they are very smart. You may have to set foot traps to get them.  

I try to avoid that if I can as you may catch a unwanted critter in it.

Get yourself some box traps or live traps some call them. Bait it with bread or corn or peanut butter, whatever! It is fun to try to catch the nuisance animals and it is a great teaching moment for children as they can see critters up close. 

Be careful to look at what you caught before you get too close. Skunks can shoot pretty far. 

In that case, shoot him with your .22 from a good distance and wait till he is dead to approach him. (tomato juice gets rid of skunk spray in case you got too close)

I hope you catch what you set up for? It is always interesting keeping traps just make sure you check them several times a day. 

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