Out Door Off Grid Shower

Keeping clean on the off grid homestead is both challenging and of course vital. I really need to be honest. You have not really lived till you have showered in a outdoor shower! There is NOTHING like the feel of the fresh air on as you clean up after a hard days work in a outdoor shower! Here is mine:

It is connected to our bathroom that is on the utility cabin. I made it out of a pile treated deck boards that I got for like $10 and a mess of old tin I bought on craigslist for $25. And I used a cedar pole for the support. All totaled it cost me maybe $10 as I did not use all of the materials on it. All we do is warm up water on the turkey cooker, put it in 1 gallon jugs and pour it over ourselves. I can shower with 1 gallon but 2 ...oh that is a total luxury!

And here is my shower curtain:

It is our woods that looks down into our valley that runs down to the lake. (ok, we do not have a shower curtain and that makes it nicer) I shower and can see all the trees moving and even critters running or flying by, it is awesome!

Note: we have a shower inside our tiny house also but I like the outdoor one the best, no doubt!

Make sure you build yourself an out door shower once you have some land, it is one of the pure joys of off grid homestead life!

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