Unmasking the Corona Mask Fiasco

With the Corona virus hype all over the globe, governments, businesses and health groups have rushed to tell people to wear masks for protection against this virus. But do the facts bear out the need for masks in the general public over Corona? There has been much hype, lies and mis-information about this a so called pandemic. I suspect they are using this event to cause people fear, train them to submit to more rule and to cause separation and dis unity among citizens to beign in more control over the masses. 

 Here are some mask FACTS to help you see the truth:

*In the beginning, we were told masks do not help protect you *Only weeks later to have them change their tune to say they do protect you so wear them!
*There is little evidence that masks protect you from a corona viral threat (masks are for bacterial threats) 
*Medical professionals will tell you only the sick should wear masks, NOT the healthy public as it does not protect you 
*Even the WHO (World Health Organization) does NOT recommend masks for the healthy people public
*Masks make people touch their face a lot when we are to NOT touch our faces due to Corona virus
*Masks hold in germs and cause a lack of oxygen flow
*Masks can weaken your on immune system that you need to fight viruses
*Half the time workers with masks on are not wearing them correctly, they are hanging off their mouth and they move them down to talk to you. 

It is all foolishness really! 

"If masks really work, then why did they let prisoners out of jail vs just giving them masks"? 

If masks work why shutter businesses, just tell them to all wear masks! 

The facts do not add up on masks and you need to ponder the real truth. Could the powers that be, use Corona virus / masks to train and condition the masses to subject themselves to more control  then one day "total control" under one world system and a anti christ ruler? The bible says that is coming. 

Are you ready for eternity? Repent and obey the gospel. 
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