Social Gospel Exposed

The social gospel (SG) is a heretical change to God's truth. It is basically removing the biblical gospel of Christ's death, burial and resurrection / repenting to new life and the adding of a focus on  social issues, itchy eared, works based efforts to live out the faith  to draw people in. It is heresy and a lie 

Note: it is a new man made liberal / leftist ideal that came along in the late 1800's and it has grown much in the 1950-1960 civil rights movement. (do your own detailed research)

Examples of it:

People who claim to be Christians ( evangelical, roman catholic, anabaptist and kingdom people) get involved in all kinds of social  and political issues like voter registration, race relation issues in a attempt to do good social change works within communities. This is basically their new gospel and it is a Galatians 1 false gospel! 

Note: While good works are called for, this social gospel is NOT the calling of the body of Christ. 

Also, I recently heard a man telling a sodomite man that Jesus loves him and he was attempting to do good works for him to raise him up in the society. He never told him the biblical gospel so he could repent and find new life in Christ. What good is this man's social standing if he loses his eternal soul?

For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

Matt 16:26

The life saving biblical gospel is not given in love in these SG situations and it will not lead to repentance and eternal life at all. Her motive may be to show love but in truth it will damn men's soul without the full biblical gospel.

Love without God's truth is vain (useless).

God showed His love for the world via Christ. John 3:16 / If He is rejected and not sought after thru faith in Him, repenting, new life and obedience  and holiness as fruit then endurance in that faith...
there is no hope for fallen man, just a wrath to come.
See Romans 1 / 2 Thess 1:8-10

This false gospel is sweeping the man made religious places these days and for decades now. It is made of man ( socialists, communists, marxist's and anarchists) NOT God, so it must be rejected if you claim Christ's truth.

Jesus told us to GO and preach the gospel to make disciples.
See this article link on that:

Sadly very few people are preaching the biblical gospel as social gospel is much more appealing to both the claimed Christian and the sinners ear. These false Christian's are doing vain works of man.

How you ask?

Today because man made denominational, evangelical, even anabaptist / kingdom religious places look to be far more people and social issue centered NOT Christ or gospel truth centered. So they have altered the gospel truth to become more relevant to solve social and racial issues and to be like-able which helps them fill up their pews or build more buildings and programs.

Jesus NEVER came to right social issues. He NEVER freed the slaves of His day, He did not act to end poverty nor did He fight for either the Jews or Romans rights in His time! He came to proclaim the kingdom, show us who God was and then be the perfect sacrifice for His people who follow Him. 

In this false social gospel, religious people go out (pretending to be missionaries) into the community and do good works, they get involved to confront social issues or do free work all to show those around them they are kind and loving. This can include many things from confronting racial issues, local projects, cutting lawns, cleaning gutters, raking up parks, food pantries, political action, giving out free food in a park and painting houses of the poor. Then the people they encounter are invited to their CHURCH on Sunday or to join in a local kingdom community! No biblical gospel or call to repentance is made. Social change is their new FALSE gospel. 

While it is nice and loving to do good and help others, it is troublesome some for 2 main reasons.

1) It is NOT preaching the biblical gospel (Christ crucified). We need to hear faith to repentance to new life to obedience/holiness to enduring in that faith. They just strive to put a band aid on social ills and men's sin and you get people to join you who like FREE stuff,  a better community and a easy eared or no gospel at all!

2) It leads people into the lies and false ways of man made Sunday religion or heretical anabaptist kingdom groups that grow false converts who look for social changes vs glorifying God with His Word.

Jesus Himself NEVER used this method nor did the disciples. All the saints preached the gospel of Christ crucified and resurrected and they did not do social works as a main focus. In fact, God always hated false unbiblical man made ways and Jesus said doing them void your worship of God. See Mark 7:6-9

See as we expose the many false ways of man made denominational religion.

Jesus Christ, Lord and Creator of the universal said about His true people... YOU WILL BE HATED for His name sake.
See Matt 10 and Matt 24

The truth is....
No one will hate you if you strive in a social gospel/work on social issues or paint their house for free!

It is the truth of God's Word in calling out sin with a biblical gospel that causes both new life and hate.  It is religious places today that have edited the Word of God so they can have a better world, get more popular and have more in attendance each week. It is shameful.

If you do your own research you will see this social gospel has communist / socialist leftist roots via another heresy called:
 social justice. 
See social justice expose here:

It has found its way into man made faith places today via false men like roman catholic Popes and Martin Luther King Jr. Also the seeker sensitive heretics like Rick Warren, Bill Hybels and false pastor/author Tim Keller and many famous authors and so called leaders of today's who claim Christianity.

See false teachers exposed at our unbiblical teachers blog:

Those pushing the social gospel today will try to tell you Jesus told us and exampled us to be that way. This is a LIE! As I said Jesus was NOT a social change agent. He was the lamb of God and His death burial and resurrection is the social change the world needs!

They are twisting God's Word in a shameful evil way. 

To be clear, indeed we are to be generous and help the true needy but we are not to forget the biblical gospel to new life. You cannot love God or your neighbor if you lack the preaching of the biblical gospel that brings eternal life. 

We do see the model for taking care of the needy in the first century body that Christ ordained. They took care of the poor believers and they helped spread the gospel, as they fed the widows and orphan's just as James 1:27 says is.... pure religion. These man made places love to do good deeds to the poor or oppressed but they seem to forget what the rest of James 1:27 says about pure religion. It says to keep yourself from being spotted by the world. The fact is denominational religion is so worldly, sin stained, corrupted and involved in the fallen world, they ARE the world!

We as His true body, are not to strive to be change the world in social actions united to sin and false groups as we do it. We are not to be social workers or strive to be liked by the masses. We are to proclaim His death for remission of sin and call men everywhere to repent. (Acts 17) We know what scripture clearly says to us, we who believe and are born of God. It says you stand for truth, expose lies of man made religion and you proclaim the biblical gospel about repenting to new life or be a child of God wrath. It is then the hate comes form the world and false religious places. 

The Lord said it would be so...... See Matthew 10

While so many  "claimed faith in Christ" look to water it all down and be liked by the world, the Holy word says you will be persecuted for your faith. To be friends with the world makes you God's enemy. ( see 2 Tim 3:12 and James 4:4 )

Do you want to see how pathetic today's faith places really are?

The true saints of old died cruel deaths because they stood and preached the truth of God's Word, did not compromise on it (none of it) and they spoke the gospel to a wicked world.

Today's so called saints of God ..... focus on social issues, clean the worlds gutters out, they give out free food but they LACK the biblical gospel being proclaimed. 

What do you preach and live today for God's glory?

The biblical gospel or this false.... social gospel ....of cultural change/ good works lacking all truth that cannot lead to eternal life?

Repent and believe the gospel truth, lest you perish in your sins.
(see the gospel below)

We and our website.... are here to point you to truth vs these man made errors.


See our biblical resources below:

Here is the biblical gospel:
Here is a 10 point biblical test:
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