Latest Corona Craziness

July 2020 

As the summer moves on and much of the nation opens up, still there is the Corona Craze looming in the back ground. The authorities are warning of more out breaks and peoples fear is on the rise still. While corona is a real virus and it could kill me (but so could hundreds of other diseases as well) the foolishness about it all is quite staggering. Keep in mind they are letting prisoners out of jail over covid-19 but if face masks really work; why don't they just give them to prisoners in jail? Also, have you considered that every year hundreds of thousands of people die around the globe from the flu. How is the flu trasmitted? By airbourne germs so why hasn't the world authorities been pushing for masks all these years? These are just a few of the troublesome issues at hand.  

Let me give you some more examples of the ones I see in this whole over hyped event. 

1) masks are being worn and required more and more but often they are hanging off the workers  face and taken off to talk or eat in public places????

2) they keep saying how deadly this disease is but they also say multi millions are walking around with it and will never know it or even get sick???? (so how can they know a accurate death rate then if most are carrying it but dont have any illness??)

3) experts say activities outdoors are best yet, governments are closing camp grounds, lake accesses and hiking places????

4) they have placed signs all over stay 6 feet apart in stores but the fact is inside stores... NO ONE... is actually doing that, nor can they?

5) rules about not refilling used containers are held in place cause they have germs but an infected person (who per them does not even know they have covid) can walk right in and spread corona at will and they dont mind that?????  

6) about 500,000 worldwide have died of covid19 and they are all afraid of that number while, 250 million poor are in danger or starvation due to shut downs and few even bat a eye to that?????

7) the US government allows and taxes cigarettes to be sold and they kill multi millions every single year but, small businesses have to close up because 125,000 US citizens have died of covid19??????

8) cities that locked down and cities that did not lock down; don't have that big a difference in covid cases or deaths?????

9) small fast food places cannot have people getting any closer then 6 feet yet, in Walmart; customers are very close every single day and it is allowed. 

10) in normal out breaks, quarantining the sick/protecting the most vunurable has been replaced with shutting down the entire culture thus enslaving/dragging down healthy people at ANY cost! 

11) Walmart has made long chutes you must walk through to enter the store, tell me how this eliminates a air bourne virus from spreading????

12) they are rushing through potentially dangerous vaccines that have not been testing that could kill/sicken millions, all to avoid 500,000 deaths?????

13) the men pushing this pandemic and vaccines; all stand to MAKE MONEY OFF THE VACCINES ( Doctor Fauci / Bill Gates / large drug companies etc ) 

14) they are pushing to have temp scans on the forehead before you can enter any store but; they already said you can carry the virus with no symptoms at all?????

15) The experts who were VERY WRONG AND FAR OFF THE DEATH NUMBERS in March 2020; are now warning of a worst disaster this fall and we should believe them?????

I could go on but I will stop there.....

I am all for being wise, protecting myself and others via hand washing and common health sense. But the madness behind this whole virus hype  / mask thing makes no sense at all and it looks to only be getting worst in these last days. As I have said; it appears to me it is really all about training the culture to receive lock downs, to submit/shut up in fear, to destroy the economies/steal wealth and to bring in the one world evil system the bible predicted so beware!!!!

This all reminds me of this verse:

There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
Proverbs 14:12

It is hard to believe that most are blind to these things?
The truth is you need to have eyes to see and that comes via the gospel and God's spirit at work in you. Do you have that?

See the gospel below and repent while there is time....


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God be praised