Feminization in the Anabaptist World


Here is a video clip showing the constant feminism we encounter when we go and hold gospel signs outside anabaptist places. Godly ladies are to be quiet and NOT try to rebuke or contend with men but do not tell these anabaptist type woman that! (in this case at Church of Monett the men all hid including the leader David Keeling but this woman wanted to contend!)

We see it on many occasions and it is more evidence of their sinful unubiblical ways at these places. Most often a faulty gospel (unregenerated people) is at the root of it all so we go to preach Christ crucified and call them out of their false ways in love. 

Go here to see their testing and a link with many more videos of our time preaching there:


God be praised


See these resources below to call you out of false man made religion 

Here is the biblical gospel:
Here is a 10 point biblical test:
Spirit and Truth Teaching Blog
Go here for audio teachings
Go here for video's: