Email Answered on Finding God

I sent some audios to this person and I was sent this email back. They are caught up in unbiblical ways but they seem to be seeking more truth today and I rejoice in that. Keep in mind; I have preached the biblical gospel to this person many times in the past.

I thought it would edify others as it is a common topic, 

those seeking God. 

See my words in blue below:


Thank you for sharing these. I’m starting to pray every morning before the sun comes up. 

****Praying is only good if you are praying to the One True Living God who is Jesus Christ . John 9 says He doesn't hear people who live in sin. 

Getting to know my higher power. 

**** In love higher powers will deceive you as Satan is a higher power then you. You must seek the highest power...Jesus Christ. John 14:6 as He is the only way to the Father and eternal life

Through NA I have come to this and I don’t think it’s coincidence. Sobriety has brought me to my knees and to know that I cannot do it all alone.

***** Yes if we live this life without God Jesus in us ..we are doomed to be deceived. Acts 4:12 only one name saves 

 I’ve always questioned the God that exists, and wanted to find him. On my terms, in my own way. 

***** This is where you make a fatal flaw... Proverbs 14 says there is a way that man dies but it leads to death. You must come His way not yours...or you will be lost! 
It is loving to tell you that. 

My upbringing w religion has really caused me a conflict w knowing God.

**** Mine too as I followed my ways and religious places not His Holy Word. Jesus said they word is truth. John 17:17 / You need to study the Bible's the One God's Word to life. 

 I always pictured Christians as accepting loving people, not ones who cast others out who aren’t in the same space as them as far as their journey with god. 

****This is where you believe wrong. The Bible tells us to leave those who claim God but walk outside of His truth in sin. Remember you dabbling with that unbiblical church group once and I warned you about them...  you left communication with me. Go read Matthew 18 and Romans 16:17 says to warn then leave sinful people that claim God. Jesus told us to put sinful so called believers people out away from us. Matthew 18 / The world has a false Jesus, read the real Jesus words. I can study with you to show you truth in scripture. My website has thousands of teachings to help you. 

And that is happening. I am coming to believe in something greater than myself more each day. 

******Awesome... but until you repent of your ways and are born again in Christ you will still be lost. You must surrender your will to serve His. I am here to help you in that. It means leaving all sin! 

My neighbor is a Christian and we often talk about the Bible and how wicked the world is these days. 

**** It is wicked and we are coming into last days. The world will get much darker. Many false teachers abound. What group is this person with? Let me test them to the scriptures ok? Do you trust a stranger over someone you know for years (me) who has been following the biblical Jesus a long time for truth and preaching it to you? God allowed me to share it with you. 

God is here with me, ready when I am, I can feel it.

**** God is all over and He will receive you if you will repent then surrender all your ways to serve Him in holiness and obedience. He sets the rules and laws. Not you or me.. Jesus said you must  come to worship in spirit and truth. John 4:24 you lack truth and His spirit. 

 I respect you for your convictions and I am more than wanting to keep communication going with you, 

**** God has done a work in us and we had to die to self and be made new. You must do that also or you have no hope. 

patience is something that will help in our relationship. 

**** I am here to help you into His truth. I will have patience but if you decide to not choose His ways and live your ways .... I have to maintain His Word not what you want. My relationship to Him is far greater then our relationship. Did you know Jesus came to not bring peace but a sword to separate? Read Matthew 10. 
By the way, a new king james is a good translation to read...not the new messed up corrupted ones. 

God be praised

Brother Jim
