When Churchianity Cowards Hide

Do you want to see the ill fruit of man made churchianity?

I preached outside a false religious place for 2 hours during their pagan candle light service. This man was near me for 2 hours and he never said a word as I asked men to get their bibles. Not one did! (he is on their security team) Then a day or so later; I went into McDonalds for coffee and he was there. 

I was willing to let him walk and say nothing to him. He walked well by me and then as he quickly slipped out the door, he said
"merry Christ-mass and if I had time I would show you why"
I said, get your bible heretic! and he walked out.
He slipped out quickly like a Rev 21:8 fearful coward. 
Note: He had 2 hours when I was there preaching and he said nothing! And he had time for fast food but no time to talk about biblical truth on this day. This is the fruit of this wicked unbiblical place

Read here to see them exposed for many more reasons and with many videos as well:

I pray they repent of their coward ways and false doctrines. 

God be praised


Here is the biblical gospel:
Here is a 10 point biblical test:
Spirit and Truth Teaching Blog http://spiritandtruthdiscernment.blogspot.com/
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