Dealing With Security and Police


We preached on a state college campus in Florida and within 5 minutes, the security guards were all over me. This is where you need to have wisdom and knowledge; all you potential street preachers. 

They told me I was on private property and I had to leave asap! Because I did my homework; I asked them had they not heard of state law SD4? They said no and so I educated then that any Florida state college is now open to free speech on any sidewalk on campus. They instantly backed off, called their boss and all left me alone the rest of the day. At one time they were only allowing free speech in tiny hidden restricted areas but now; we roamed the entire campus and they cannot stop us, it was awesome!

Men you need to know that Florida, Missouri, Tennessee, Kentucky, Utah, Virginia, Colorado and North Carolina all have such laws so you can preach freely on any state college campus. Go while we have such freedoms as soon they will end it all! 

When it comes yo the law; be kind, be respectful but be firm and know the law so you can glorify the Lord. God's word tells us knowledge is power so study the Word to be approved and know the local laws then use it to your advantage. 

See many street preaching tips here:

See street preaching videos here:

God be praised 


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