Street Preaching Art Fiesta New Symrna Beach, Florida

We had an awesome day street preaching at a outdoor art festival in New Smyrna Beach, Florida today. What a joy to take the gospel to thousands of souls and lift up Christ! It was a usual day street preaching but; it was also filled with some "very sad unusual things" as well. (esp 2 very young boys hassling us and calling police on us)

Here is a list of what we faced today in the 4 hours we preached there:

 * A security man was angry and called the police even though we were on the sidewalk and had every right to preach there. (the police confirmed we were legal)

* An angry restaurant owner called the police on us. Said we were upsetting children preaching about Jesus shed blood and sin, abortion. (the police confirmed we were legal)

* We were outside their festival until the policeman said we can't use the amplifier but could go anywhere without it. So great! We turned off the amp and we went in among them it was awesome. (the police confirmed we were legal)

* A man was angry about it and got in my face over it.  The police there took care of him and told him to leave us alone. (we do not follow or harass anyone. If you don't like my message, just move on!)

* A man told me that the gospel is just Romans 10. (I explained the full path to eternal life and all that he lacked) 

* A young boy (about 12 years?) got mad and was riding his scooter at me and grabbing my sign. He then got in my face when I video taped him as proof. (I told him he needs a spanking and that we loved him)

* Another young boy with him (the same age) got very upset at the preaching / me just calling out homosexuality. (I mentioned that a few times but preached on many sins but that sin, convicted him greatly) 

* The two boys called the police and a school teacher who saw it all told the police the true story of what all went on. (the police confirmed we were legal)

* An older man agreed about the youth being out of control and needing discipline and his wife rebuked the trouble making youth. 

* A music man said he was happy in his flesh and tried to mock us.

* A very lascivious harlot dressed young woman was posing herself in front of us every time we came around that area. She mockingly asked if we don't sin and I told her to repent. She got mad then posed in bad positions and we avoided her as a mocker.

* A half dressed homeless looking man smiled, agreed and asked for a gospel card.

* A Presbyterian man stopped to talk but was trying to distract us and defended sin.

* A kind man brought us cold water and said he agrees with what was said about 'churchianity' and he took a gospel card.

* Two more police (called by the brat youth) tried to get us to stop and when I went into the details of what is being preached (repentance of sin) as soon as I said we must call men out of idolatry, lying, worldliness and homosexuality (and I mentioned many sins all day)  they both walked off and were upset at the homosexuality. They wanted me to adjust my preaching to please a 12 year old who did not like homosexual ways called out. That is not gonna happen!!

* An older woman came up and said that many people are agreeing with what I preached.

* An LGBT supporting young woman asked us about homosexuality and when I said the bible calls it sin but: you can be redeemed from it, she walked off rejoicing/dancing that she's in sin, mocking God's Word.

* A mocking, demonic hippie looking man followed us around taunting and mocking us about his..... many gods.  

What a day it was folks!

You can go here and see many videos that will verify it all and edify you as the gospel goes out into the dark world:

We were exhausted afterwards (once all the editing was done) but; we must be ready to go as tomorrow we preach to another big event. 

If you are born of Christ; please pray for us, for ears to hear and to repent to new life! It is why we...... GO!

God be praised


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